Moving On... Chapter 14

The sound of the door slamming kept echoing in Shelly's ears as she ran to Evan's car. She knew she had to get to a police station or Ann would be as good as dead.

"Ok Evan, you have me alone, just how you like it. So can we please end it peacefully? We have already lost so much." Anna didn't want to sound desperate but couldn't help herself.

"Peacefully? Just what is that supposed to mean my dear sweet wife? I will end this anyway I want. First, you need to be reminded never to leave me again!" Evan's eyes were like a demon's and Anna knew her life was on the line again. Just as Evan was getting ready to reach for Anna, Blake came out of hiding and jumped Evan. Thankfully he had taken self defense courses years ago and before anyone knew it had Evan in a full headlock pinned on the floor.

" the police and look for something to tie this pig up!"

The door flew open before Anna had a chance to move and the local police followed by Shelly bolted in. Shelly had quickly filled them in on the way to the house and they instantly arrested Evan.

"Oh Anna, thank God you are okay!" Shelly embraced her dear friend as the tears streamed down both of their faces.

Chapter 15
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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