Moving On... Chapter 2

Anna pulled up in the driveway trying not to screech her tires but did anyway. She looked at her watch and knew Evan would be upset. She was late and he hated tardiness, she could hear him now. Anna tiptoed in the front door feeling like a teen sneaking into her parent's home late for curfew.

"This is stupid! Shelly and I were having a wonderful lunch and lost track of time. If we're a few minutes late to the opening of the new wing at the hospital, nobody will notice."

"Oh but your wrong, everybody will notice especially MY parents! How will it look to be late for an important event? The wing after all is named after us." Evan's voice boomed through the mansion.

"Evan you scared me. I swear you love doing that to me!" Anna nervously laughed trying to lighten up the mood.

"I scare you? Well obviously I don't scare you enough since I told you earlier NOT to be late!" Evan was working up into a rage, a rage Anna was hoping she would never have to see again.

"Evan I was joking. Look, I am sorry I was late but I can hurry and change. We will have plenty of time left. Just please, let's not fight okay?" Anna started towards Evan to kiss his cheek when she felt the sting of his hand on her face. The house usually bustling with the noise of help, was eerily quiet.

"Evan, oh my God, please don't. I apologized and it will never happen again!"

"That's right, it never will. This lesson you will never forget!" He seemed like he was possessed and there was no stopping him as his fists kept pounding into Anna. He was so strong and overpowering that there was nothing Anna could do even though she pleaded with him. What seemed like hours, but was just a few minutes, he stopped and realized what he had done. Anna laid there in the entryway not moving.

"Anna....Anna get up. I know your okay, you have to be! Come on GET UP!"

He always got what he wanted usually so why wasn't she getting up? All she did was moan and then silence while a tiny drop of blood ran from her mouth. Evan knelt down beside her and made sure she was breathing.

"Thank God," he said when she was. He grabbed his cell phone and quickly called 911. He told them he had found his wife unconscious on the floor.

"Hurry please, she's pregnant!" He sounded almost distressed about it. "What have I done?" He paced around Anna as he waited for the ambulance. "I never meant to hurt you. I do love you Anna, it's just you push all the wrong buttons. You have to be alright, you have to be!"

He heard the sirens nearing the house and wasn't sure how he was going to get out of this mess.

Chapter 3
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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