Moving On... Chapter 3

The smell of the hospital's disinfectant seemed to surround Anna and invade her thoughts. She was standing on the waters edge, watching the tide, when suddenly her father appeared. She ran out in the water to him but he faded away.

"Daddy, don't leave!" Anna raised suddenly out of bed yelling then the pain engulfed her entire body and she fell back on the bed. Shel ran to her bed relieved she was awake but worried that she was in so much pain.

"Anna, relax, lay back and relax."

"I'm trying Shel, but it hurts, everywhere! What happened to me?"

"You mean you don't remember?" Shelly was more worried now than before.

The pain started to subside and then the memory of what happened came rushing back to her.

"I do remember," she said touching her swollen cheek, "where is he?"

"Don't think about him right now, we need to concentrate on you." Shelly wasn't sure she had the heart to tell her the rest.

"The baby, the baby is alright......right?" But for some reason Anna felt empty inside and deep down knew something more was wrong.

"Oh Anna, I don't know how to tell you this." Shelly could feel the tears threatening to fall.

"You don't have to say anything else, the baby is gone." Anna held her stomach not sure whether to go into hysterics or rip Evan apart for doing this. Shelly held Anna while they both cried.

"I thought he had changed Shel, I really did. He had been so different these last few months and I thought it would work out. What was I thinking?" Anna started to feel out of control and if it wasn't for the pain stopping her, she would have ran out of the hospital.

"Now stop it! Don't go blaming this on yourself. That jerk of a husband did this to you and your unborn child. Some people can't change and he's one of them. Just remember what goes around comes around!" Shelly vowed somehow Evan would pay for this.

"How could he do this to our child, how could he?" Anna knew she would be crying forever or it felt like it at this moment.

"What do you mean by how could Evan do this? MY Evan is not responsible for this." In walked Mrs. Piedmont, Evan's mother and protector of the Piedmont reputation. "I believe you are mistaken Anna. Evan found you in a very frail state in the house. If it wasn't for him you would be dead." Mrs. Piedmont smoothed back her tight bun and almost smirked.

"Now hold on you old bat, Evan did this to her. He may have his family fooled but he doesn't have me fooled for one instant! Evan has been using Anna as a punching bag for years now, but Anna has been to scared to do anything and now he killed their baby!" Shelly had wanted to tell Mrs. Piedmont off for awhile now.

"Why Shelly, you've always been very outspoken but you should get your facts straight before throwing out accusations. Besides the police are looking for the person who is responsible." Mrs. Piedmont glared at Shelly.

"Well that shouldn't be too hard since it was Evan!" Shelly wanted to strangle her on sight.

Anna couldn't take it anymore. "Stop both of you stop! No matter what I say no one in this town will believe me. Evan already told me that the first time he hit me. Now, Mrs. Piedmont I think you should leave."

"I never in my entire life ran into anyone more rude than you Anna. I come here to make sure your alright and encounter this?! I told Evan he was throwing his life away by marrying you!" With that said, Mrs. Piedmont slammed the door.

Anna started to shake and couldn't believe the story Evan had made up. Shelly started to say something but Anna stopped her.

"I know you mean well but I don't feel like talking. Could you go and get me some hot tea and take your time. I need some alone time."

"Sure honey, I'll be right back." Shelly squeezed her friends hand.

After Shelly left Anna buzzed the nurse to give her some pain medication. It wasn't long after the medication was administered that Anna started to relax and drift off. She held herself and quietly cried.

The door slowly opened and Evan appeared making sure they were alone.

Chapter 4
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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