Moving On... Chapter 4

Evan stood there watching Anna and noticed the tears on her cheek, the cheek he had put his mark on. He slowly went to her bedside and was about to wipe the tear away when Anna opened her eyes.

"Evan! What are you...." she couldn't finish her sentence since Evan covered her mouth with his hand.

"Now Anna, calm down. I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to talk. No screaming when I let go, okay?" Evan's voice was extra calm while Anna's eyes were wide with fright. She nodded okay, knowing Shelly would be back soon.

"Okay then, isn't that much better?" Evan smiled while moving his hand from Anna's mouth. Anna nodded again, afraid to say anything for fear she would scream. She didn't need or want Evan's rage again.

"Sweetie, I just want you to know how sorry I am this happened. Sometimes I let my anger get the best of me. I am so sorry we lost our baby. I know how much it meant to you, but we can always try again." He almost sounded sincere but all Anna felt was anger.

"How dare you, how dare you come in after you beat me until I lost our baby! I will never, NEVER, have a child with you or forgive you. There is no way I would allow you to be a father to an innocent child!" Anna felt very brave but was shaking as the words tumbled out.

Evan took a deep breath noticing the change in her and knew not to cause a scene in a public place.

"Really Anna, your in pain now and on medication, this isn't you talking."

"Oh but Evan it is and I have had enough of you and your family. I thought that this baby could bring us happiness and was hoping you wouldn't hit me anymore but I was wrong. You will never change and I will always hate you for what you've done. You took my child and my love for you, the little love I had left, is gone too!" Anna's pulse was racing and knew she had to calm down. Anna laid back down and seen the look on Evan's face - complete shock.

"Why you....I gave you everything a wife would want and this is how you repay me? I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance!" Evan forgot where he was and was about to lift his fist to Anna when Shelly came through the door.

"What in the hell are you doing here? If you hit her I will kill you myself!" Shelly knew how to command a rooms attention and she had Evan's. "Now if you don't want me to call security and cause a scene, a scene you won't like, I suggest you leave now."

Evan so wanted to put Shelly in her place but thought this was not the time nor the place. He lifted his hand to his hair, making sure his dark wavy hair was in place and clenched his fists.

Turning to leave he said to Anna, "We are not done, not by a long shot!"

He stomped out and Anna felt like she could breath again. Shelly sat beside her and looked her over.

"Oh Shelly, you've got incredible timing. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't get here sooner!"

"Shhhh, don't think about that now. I'm glad I am here. Now lay back, I'm not leaving your side tonight."

Anna could feel the pain starting to come back but didn't want anything more for it. She had to be alert, just in case.

"Shelly I can't stay in this town anymore, it's not safe. I have to move on."

Shelly nodded in agreement as Anna's eyes began to close.

Chapter 5
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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