Moving On... Chapter 5

Anna had wanted to leave the hospital the morning after Evan's visit, but the doctor's insisted she stay at least one more day just to make sure there was no further complication's. She reluctantly agreed and turned down the offer of counseling. She thought once she got settled she might get a counselor but first she had to figure out where to go. It had to be a place that none of the Piedmont's knew about and Anna had a feeling this was going to be hard. She wasn't sure if she could leave anytime soon. Whenever she moved, every muscle in her body screamed at her.

"It's only been a day since it happened. I have to be patient." She absently said to herself.

Anna decided before she could make plans a long shower was in order. But even the simplest things were a struggle. She tried getting out of bed but ended up crying in pain. The nurse came and told her there's no reason why she shouldn't ask for help. So she helped Anna take a shower, which was almost humiliating to Anna but she was grateful for the help. All the while the nurse was chatting about how Mr. Piedmont had told the nursing staff he was getting a private nurse for Anna for when she returned home. Anna got a chill at the thought and couldn't stand to look at herself, all bruised up.

The shower ordeal was finally over and Anna collapsed in her freshly made bed almost exhausted. Shelly came bursting through the door with a bagel and cream cheese. She didn't look a least bit tired even though she had stayed with Anna last night.

"Look what I got, your favorite breakfast and a mocha cappuccino. You need to build up your strength so eat!" Shelly was trying to get Anna to smile but could tell her best friend was hurting. Not just physically but emotionally.

"Thanks Shel," Anna managed a weak smile, "we've got a day to plan my leaving."

"Sounds like we'll be busy. You do understand I'm coming with you."

"Shel, no. I mean I would love it and I will miss you but you need to stay here. There will be too many questions with me gone." Anna didn't want to think of the possibility of never seeing Shelly and Shelly was thinking the same thing.

"Well, let's not think of that right now. We do need to figure out where you're going though." Scratching her head, Shelly was in deep thought over this.

"I know, I've been going over that myself...oh wait, why didn't I think of this sooner? Remember after dad died he had that will and in the will he left me a small savings account and that cottage?"

"We're having a duh moment! Yes I do remember that and it's perfect. Only, does Evan know about it?"

"No, your the only person that does know, well besides mom but she is on an extended vacation in France." Anna tried not to have a sarcastic tone when talking about her mother but she couldn't help it. Her dad and mother divorced when Anna was young and her mother then ran off with an investment broker who was loaded. They never married, but Anna knew her mother didn't' stay with her dad because he wasn't wealthy. They weren't poor by any means and Anna had a comfortable life but it was hard to forgive her mother.

Anna shook herself back to reality. "Mother won't say anything."

In a matter of hours it was all planned. Anna called the bank and gave Shelly permission to get a cashiers check for the money in savings. She made sure the banker wouldn't say anything to Evan by telling him this was a surprise for the Piedmont's. Which wasn't a lie really because they would be surprised when Anna vanished.

Shelly came back with the check and told Anna that she had a small bag packed but was keeping at her place where it was safe and wouldn't draw any questions. She also had a bus ticket, a one way ticket, to Hope Island. A small community off of the coast of Georgia where the cottage was. All that was needed was for the doctors release. Anna and Shelly sat together on the bed going over the plan again quietly while a dark shadow lurked outside her door.

Chapter 6
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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