Moving On... Chapter 6

Anna sat in the back of the bus trying not to think about having to leave her best friend. Tears streamed down her face as the rain outside came down with vengeance. Anna closed her eyes and clutched her still achy muscles as she remembered the days events.

Thankfully the doctor had released her that morning and Anna had persuaded him not to call Evan. For some reason the doctor had a feeling Evan didn't need to know that Anna was dismissed. Shelly made sure none of the Piedmont's were around when they left and they arrived at Shelly's without breaking any traffic laws.

"Now you sit down and relax." Shelly gently guided Anna to the overstuffed couch. Anna smiled, always feeling comfortable in the small but tastefully decorated apartment. Not like an outsider. She never felt like Evan's home was her home and made the growing rage inside of her whenever she thought of Evan go away.

"Okay, here's a small bag I packed with some of your personal belongings. Don't ask me how I got it," Shelly smiled coyly, "but just know that your doorman has a huge crush on me. Anyway, your ticket is here and your money too. Here's my cell phone number, I just got a new one that no body knows but you. So you can call me for anything."

Anna nodded knowing if she said anything she would start crying.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything, I love you like your my own sister and no man will come between us. I just hate that your doing this and I'm not going with you. But you are right, it's better if I'm here - to keep an eye on things." Shelly squeezed her friends hand.

"Don't forget, once you get settled in, get a doctor's appointment to make sure you're alright." Here came the stern, motherly look.

"I will, I promise." Anna put her hand over her empty stomach.

"I need you to do me one more favor." Anna handed an envelope to Shelly.

"Could you drop this in Evan's mailbox when I'm long gone? I don't want it."

Shelly peaked inside and seen it was Anna's wedding ring.

"Sure I can do that. It's better this way, he can't trace you."

"I'm not sure how long I can remain anonoumous from him when I file for divorce, but I'll figure something out." Anna turned away and wished her life was different right now.

"You'll have time for that, just be safe!"

They waited until night time and silently made their way to the bus depot.

"Well Shel, goodbye. I don't know how I can ever thank you. You are saving my life and I love you!" Anna couldn't stop the tears this time.

"Hey, its not goodbye! It's until I see you again ok? By the way, I think your new hair color suits you." Shelly tugged on Anna's new auburn color trying not to cry herself.

They hugged and as Anna got on the bus she felt like she was leaving a part of herself behind. Now, an hour later, with a little distance between her and Evan, she could almost breath again. She knew she had to be cautious though, this was a powerful family she was leaving and she hoped her life wasn't in danger anymore. She closed her eyes, holding her bag tight against her, as the rocking motion of the bus put her to sleep.

"Mr. Piedmont, I followed your wife and that friend of hers to her apartment. They were there most of the day then left. I tried following them but they lost me. I am sorry sir." The voice was hoping Mr. Piedmont would take the news well.

"Sorry? Your sorry? Obviously I pay you too much since you can't do your job! Can you at least tell me the direction they were going?" Evan was getting impatient and knew Anna was up to something.

"Well sir, it looked like either the airport or the bus depot. They are both in that direction."

"Then don't you think you should go check it out?" Evan slammed the phone down on his desk. If his so called help didn't bring him the answers he wanted then Shelly would have to. Anna was his and he wasn't giving her up -ever.

Chapter 7
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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