Moving On... Chapter 7

Anna awoke startled. She was never a sound sleeper and felt someone slipping in beside her.

"Hey, settle down, didn't mean to frighten you. This is the only seat left, hope you don't mind?" He was a tall man with the bluest eyes Anna had ever seen and a boyish smile.

"Oh, um, of course not. I was sleeping and didn't expect any company that's all." Anna was relieved it wasn't Evan. She expected him to pop up at any moment. She glanced at her watch and noticed by the passing road signs they were out of California and in Arizona. The rain was still going but it was gentle now and the moon seemed to light up the night sky. His voice made her come back to reality instead of stargazing.

"Since we're traveling seat companions, let me introduce myself. My name is Blake, Blake Prescott and you are?" He extended his hand and Anna had to think fast on her feet. She couldn't tell him she was a Piedmont, since they were widely known.

"My name is Anna, Anna.....," she thought for a minute," Almond." She blurted it out trying not to laugh but thinking of the chocolate bar with almond's Shelly had packed for her.

"Interesting name, Anna Almond, nice to meet you." Blake warmly smiled and they shook hands.

Anna noticed he was casually dressed and decided to be bold.

"So, where are you headed too?"

"I'm going to the Georgia coast and travel up through South Carolina. I'm a freelance photographer and I have a magazine interested in some pictures of the ocean."

"Oh a photographer, fascinating job." Anna remarked.

"So Miss Anna Almond," Blake noticed a tan line where she use to wear a wedding ring, "what adventure are you on?"

Anna didn't want to be rude to her new acquaintance, but had to be careful.

"Me? I'm going to do some renovations on a small house, along the coast." That sounded good she thought and wasn't an entire lie.

"Sounds like a big job." Blake reached for the overhead light and turned it on.

"If your interested, since I woke you up, you can look through my portfolio. It might bore you back to sleep." He winked at her and seen that in the dim light she had a slightly bruised cheek. She looked so fragile and scared sitting there. She noticed he was almost staring at her as the light came on and she quickly turned it off.

"Maybe another time, I'm tired. I hate to be rude but I don't feel like talking anymore." With that, Anna turned her face towards the window and wandered if she would ever be alright.

Chapter 8
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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