Moving On... Chapter 8

Evan was the type of man who always got his way and he wasn't about to let his wife just leave him. He had a reputation to protect after all. He sat alone in the den, the only place he didn't let Anna redecorate when they were newlyweds. Evan sipped his gin and recalled the first year of their marriage. They were happy times but Anna triggered something inside of him, something he didn't like or control. He knew other men looked at her, after all she was beautiful, he wouldn't have settled for less. It drove him crazy thinking she was out there somewhere or with someone.

"Anna, I will find you and I know exactly where to start," his voice echoing throughout the house as he picked up his keys.

Blake couldn't help but watch Anna sleep. For some reason, this stranger intrigued him. He knew she had a story and decided maybe she would open up to him. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on and he wanted to be that person. He slowly leaned over her to look out the window. The sun was rising and he could tell they were nearing the coast. The air smelled of salt and seagulls were flying low in the dawn sky.

"Excuse me what are you doing?" Anna pushed him back, alarmed at how close he was to her and still half asleep.

"Sorry was just getting a look at that spectacular sunrise. I can't wait to start taking pictures. So Anna Almond, how did you sleep?" Blake grinned and Anna noticed he had a cute little dimple on his right cheek.

"Snap out of it Anna," she said to herself.

"Well Anna, your either not a morning person or you don't like to answer questions."

"Oh sorry, still trying to wake up. I slept alright, a little stiff." She tried not to wince in pain when she moved but Blake could tell something bad had happened to her.

Now tell me, since we're bus roomies, are you okay?" Blake held a tone of concern and Anna so desperately wanted to tell this stranger everything. Something inside of her said that she could trust him but she decided against it. Her instincts lately hadn't been correct.

"I'm fine," she looked back out the window.

"Well you don't look fine," he started to touch her bruised cheek but thought he better not.

"Oh this," Anna touched her cheek and tried not to think of everything she had recently lost. "I was in an accident and I really don't want to talk about it."

"Ok,ok, I won't push you. Just know if you need to talk, I'm here."

Anna could feel the tears well up again and willed the bus to go faster.

Chapter 9
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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