Moving On... Chapter 9

Georgia, Anna remembered the trips there with her father growing up. Once a year they would pack up and go, just the two of them, to their cottage on the island. Anna loved those days and was thankful she had a safe refuge to run to now. It had been a few years since she had returned but knew all of the sites well.

"We're getting closer," she murmured aloud, feeling like a kid again.

Blake looked over and could see a change in Anna, she looked almost peaceful instead of scared. The bus came to a halt at a small station and everyone piled out. Blake turned to go but could tell Anna was having trouble getting up.

"Here, take my hand, let me help you this once. Trust me." Anna did trust this stranger although she had no clue why and he tenderly helped her up. She regained her legs and slowly made her way off the bus looking for a cab.

"Thanks for the help back there," she said turning to go.

"Come on Blake," he thought to himself, "you can't just let her go!"

"Anna wait, I don't know where your going, but I do have a rental car here waiting for me, courtesy of the magazine. Let me give you a ride. I promise no questions."

The idea did appeal to Anna and before she knew what she was doing she took Blake up on the offer. They both got settled in the car and Anna gave him directions to Hope Island. She estimated they would be there in about an hour.

All the while, a black sedan followed their every move.

Her head felt like it had been slammed against that wall instead of the phone. Shelly finally regained consciousness. She tried rubbing it where it hurt but realized her hands were tied. She slowly focused her eyes, telling herself to remain calm and checked out her surroundings. Shelly could smell Evan's unmistakable cologne and felt like they were moving at a fast pace. She was in the back seat of his car.

"Well, you finally decided to rejoin the living I see. Doesn't matter anyway, after you were knocked out I took a look around your apartment and guess what I found? Scribbled on a piece of paper in the trash was some bus times and a destination. So we're off to Georgia. I am so much better than my detectives!" Evan loudly smirked.

"Then why take me with you?" Shelly knew she had to find a way out and fast.

"Why? That's simple, your my insurance policy to make sure Anna comes back to me." Evan chuckled and the car went faster.

Before Shelly could say anything, Evan's cell phone rang. Evan was talking low to the other person but Shelly could make out that Evan's detective had found Anna and was following her.

"Anna please, run and run fast!" Shelly tried to send this message to her best friend as she attempted to get free of the ropes around her wrists.

Chapter 10
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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