Moving On... Prologue

Lightening struck across the night sky as Anna clutched her ticket. Tears streamed down her face but she didn't seem to notice. All she knew was that she had to get out and fast before Evan found out she was gone. There was only safe place, a place no one knew about but her. Anna's father left it to her in his will after he died, Hope Island, it was a small island along the Georgia coast. She pulled at her newly colored hair and picked up the small handbag wishing she could have taken more but knowing it's better this way. After a few minutes, which seemed like hours, it was finally time to bard the bus. Bus travel didn't usually appeal to Anna since in the last five years of marriage to Evan she had the private plane to use.

"It's better this way," she mumbled as she quickly got in and found a seat in the back. Her heart pounded in tune with the thunder.

Chapter 1
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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