Not A Day Goes By... Chapter 5

The funeral was all but unbearable. JC held the newborn, Angel, tightly in his arms as he tried to say good-bye to her mother. He wanted to stay strong for Angel's sake, but no matter what he did to hold back the tears, it wasn't working. He prayed that Angel didn't pick up on everything, after all, she was only a baby. He'd heard somewhere that kids could tell when things weren't right, but Angel was so young. She couldn't tell... could she?

Sure, he was sad that Carrie had died, but what made him cry was the fact that Angel didn't have a mother... and that alone made him feel even more guilty than he had before. What had he done to this poor woman?

He thought he was in love with Carrie... but now he knew the truth. He was in love with being in love. He craved it... but he didn't have it. Not with Carrie anyway.

The funeral seemed long, and when it was finally over, JC remained in the pew, looking at his sleeping daughter. What next?

Justin walked back into the church to look for JC when he didn't come out. He looked down the isle... JC was just sitting there... still.

"JC," Justin said as he approached, his voice echoing through the high ceiling. When JC's eyes met his own, he continued, "Make me understand. We can FIX things... I just need to know why you did it."

JC's head turned back to face his daughter, and for a moment, he was silent. "You wouldn't understand. Forget about it. I don't want to be in your group anyway." Justin decided to come right out and just ask the question that had been plaguing his mind for months. "That night before Christmas Eve, JC... what did you do?"

JC held the baby close to his chest and stood up. "You know what, Justin?" he hissed, careful not to disturb Angel. "This is neither the time or the place to be talking about anything else besides Carrie, and frankly, I just don't feel like talking to someone who went through my entire house when I THOUGHT he could be trusted."

Justin felt shocked. "Trust? You're telling me about TRUST? I wasn't the one who-"

"Save it," JC interrupted as he picked up Angel's diaper bag from the pew and turned to walk away from Justin. "Can I ask you a favor?" he asked softly.


"Just leave us alone. I want nothing to do with you or the life you represent." He turned back to look at Justin. "I'm glad that you kicked me out of the group because I want NO part of it anymore."

"Don't worry," Justin called as JC walked away from him for good this time. "I'll leave you alone. I just feel bad for that baby of yours. The poor thing has to deal with your lies and manipulation for the rest of her life."

JC stopped for a second at the door, but then pushed it open, and disappeared without another word.

He rushed down the church steps as quickly, and safely as he could with a baby in his arms. Justin's words stung in his heart. What was he talking about anyway? Angel would never have to deal with his past... he'd never tell her what happened. Besides, it wasn't something she needed to know about her dad.

Fall, 2005

When JC pulled up to his block, he saw a big, yellow school bus coming in the other direction. He stepped harder on the gas, and quickly zipped into the driveway. By the time he gout out of his car, and looked toward the corner, he saw Angel's wavy, brown hair, a pink backpack, and a smile on her sweet face. He couldn't help but smile back when she began running down the sidewalk toward him. He picked her up and twirled her a little before pulling her into his arms.

"So, how was it?"

She buried her face into his shoulder and wrapped her little arms around his neck. "I missed you SO much, Daddy!"

"I missed you, too, Angel, but did you have fun at school?"

She pulled away and gave him a big, serious nod. "Oh, yes," she said. "I even made a whole bunch of new friends. They all LOVED my pink backpack."

JC chuckled as he let her slide back down to the ground. "How about a snack? I think there's a big chocolate chip cookie in the kitchen just waiting for you to gobble it up."

"Okay!" Angel agreed quickly as she dashed to the door.

JC let her inside. When he looked down at his keys, he let out a sigh. He knew there was some thing he'd forgotten about! "Grab that cookie and come back here," he told his daughter. "We've gotta make a quick run back to Daddy's store."

JC pushed Chords' doors open as he held Angel's hand tightly. When he looked up, he noticed that Andrew had the TV on.

"Andrew, what did I tell you about-" he stopped when he saw a familiar face on the screen. Angel's hand slipped away, and she skipped over to Andrew.

"Do you have any candy?" she asked him sweetly as she stepped around the counter.

"Josh, can I give her a lollipop?"

JC didn't hear them, he could only see the TV.

It was Justin on some talk show and the words that left his lips almost made JC's blood run cold.

"I haven't heard from JC in a really long time," Justin was telling the host. "And I know that I don't usually talk about this subject, but I just need to say that I'm really sorry about the way things ended. It wasn't a good time for any of us, especially him, and..." he stopped talking, looked right into the camera for a split second, as if he knew JC would be watching, and then looked back at the host. "It's been so long," he said. "And to be honest, I'm a little worried. I don't even know where he's living."

"He's out of the music business completely, isn't he?"

Justin shrugged. "As far as I know, he is."

"We'll hear more from Justin after this quick break," and the screen faded to a commercial.

"Josh... Josh!"

"Daddy, can Andrew give me a lollipop?"

JC looked back at them and nodded. "Sure, whatever."

"I'm sorry I had the TV on, if that's what you're upset about."

"It's okay, but next time put in one of our tapes." He walked closer to the counter and set the extra key on top. "I rushed off so quickly before that I forgot to give this to-"

He was interrupted by someone banging on piano keys.

"Angel, stop that and come here."

There was one more bang of rebellion before she appeared at his side. JC grabbed her hand, thanked Andrew for the lollipop, and then they made their way back to the car.

He felt insecure... like his past was catching up to him, and he had this strange feeling that this wouldn't be the last time he heard from Justin.

Chapter 6
Not A Day Goes By
JC {Fiction}
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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