Family: The Timberlakes

Here's the Deal
I've been known to go through this weird depression phase after writing a novel, so in order to bypass the unpleasantness, I decided to make a series. Book 1 and 2 are up and ready for you to read. Part of book there, "Keeping the Peace" is also up. Let me know what you think!

Important Note
~Yes, I realize that Justin Timberlake is the main character of story number 1. However, he's not the Justin in Nsync... he's just a regular guy. (though, in this story, I wouldn't really call his character regular...) What I'm trying to say is that these stories probably don't fall under the catergory of "fanfiction" as much as others do.
~Don't forget to visit the PTC/BTI/KTP art gallery!
Book 1: Paying the Consequences

Justin Timberlake is a criminal, stealing software from big companies and giving the disks to his hacker buddies for a share of the profits. He's living the good life, up high in a cozy apartment... but his whole life changes when he meets Adelyn. She's everything he wants... and everything he wants to be. The only thing is that Justin can't tell her about his line of work. She'd never be able to forgive him.
Read: Paying the Consequences
Status: Prologue-29 (Completed)
Book 2: Breaking the Ice

Justin and his siblings, Phil, Nicki and Kyle have all had rough childhoods. With ten years spanning from Phil to Kyle, they all have different perspectives on life. Justin and Kyle are very much alike, but with the seven year age differences, they don't seem to see eye to eye. Unlike Justin and and his younger brother, he and his older brother, Phil, are complete opposites. They can't stand the sight of each other much less hold a decent conversation. And with so many angry words flowing between the three brothers, Kyle and Phil don't have a clue what to say to each other. Can Nicki, Adelyn and Phil's girlfriend, Lalie, help them get along once and for all?
Read: Breaking the Ice
Status: Chapters 1-34. (Completed)
Book 3: Keeping the Peace

Justin, Phil and Kyle have gotten past their differences... or at least they thought they had. Phil accidently accomplishes the one thing Justin has been working most of his life toward. And while Justin and Adelyn have big plans in the making, Kyle just can't seem to keep his hands off of Adelyn's little sister, Evie. Will Phil's insecurities, Kyle's never ending problems, and the fact that his little sister is dating the one person he hates more than anyone else keep Justin from the happiest day of his life?
Read: Keeping the Peace
Status: Chapters 1-24.
updated 11-8-03... Ch. 24 added
Short Stories


Non-Nsync Fiction
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