Paying the Consequences... Chapter 18

Colby woke up bright and early that morning. Without disturbing Kelly, he rolled out of bed and traveled downstairs to read the day's edition of the Star Tribune. He was thinking about how Justin should arrive at any minute to hand off the new disk as he unrolled the newspaper and looked at the heading on the front page.

'Software Thief; Caught!'

Colby rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing right. He decided that if he was going to get upset, he should read the article first. Who knew, maybe there was another ring out there...

'Star Tribune columnist, Justin Timberlake, was caught red handed on the fourteenth floor of the T and R and Associates building by the Minneapolis Police Department.'

His face turned red and his knuckles went white as he crumpled the paper roughly in his hands, throwing it to the floor. This was the world's worst thing that could ever happen to him! Not only had he lost his best man, it was a well known fact Justin wanted out of the business. Now, Colby stood the risk of being turned in. He had to take action... and quickly.

After little sleep and an awful conversation with Adelyn's partner, Justin felt exhausted. He didn't look forward to talking with a lawyer, nor did he look want to talk to anyone. He was sick of getting the third degree from everyone who walked through that door.

Around eleven o'clock, Adelyn entered the room with a tall man behind her. "I got you a lawyer," she said to Justin as they got closer. She stuck a key in his cell and let the man in. "I'll be back later to talk with you."

Before she could leave, Justin grabbed her hand and stole a quick kiss. "Thanks, Adelyn. I owe you big time."

She was about to lean back into him, when she realized that there was another person there with them. "It's not a problem," she said instead. "But you still owe me."

"I know," he said softly. "I owe you everything."

She looked at him for a moment, locked the cell back up and then turned to leave the room. Both men watched her until the door shut.

"Mr. Kaligori," the lawyer introduced himself, as he looked over at Justin, reaching out his hand. "I'm a tad confused," he admitted. "Did you just kiss that police officer?"

"Justin," he said, raising an eyebrow while shaking Mr. Kaligori's hand. "And didn't she didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" He paused for a short moment. "Maybe you should start from the beginning."

Justin and his lawyer talked for a half hour before he could get the whole story out. Mr. Kaligori just sat there staring at him when he finished. The whole time, he hadn't asked one question.

"So," the lawyer started. "You've been working for this guy for about five years, and he's been organizing every single operation?"

Justin nodded.

"You went to him and tried to leave his business, but he threatened to turn you in if you did?"

Justin nodded again.

"And were there any witnesses to this conversation?"

Justin shook his head. "Colby isn't stupid," he said.

"You know this man's full name, and where he lives, correct?"

"That's right."

Mr. Kaligori was silent for a moment, but then opened his mouth to say something. "I think we can make a deal with the DA and the most you'll end up with is a small sentence or fine. I think I can actually get you out of here on probation."

Justin blinked at him in shock. "Are you kidding me? No offense, Mr. Kaligori, but I've been stealing millions of dollars worth of information from these companies and you think I can get away with just probation? How does that work?"

"If the deal works out as I have planned, you'll plead guilty to your crimes, but here's the kicker..." the lawyer said, giving Justin a smile. "You give all of the information you just told me to the cops about this Colby guy, and in return, they give you a lighter sentence. How does that sound?"

"It sounds great," Justin said, his eyes still wide. "But maybe I should talk to Adelyn first."

"Don't say a word to her," Mr. Kaligori said quickly as he stood up from his chair. "Let me talk to the DA first and then you can do whatever you please."

An officer let Mr. Kaligori out of Justin's cell. "I'll get back to you within the next couple of days," he told his client. "Just hang in there."

Justin chuckled. "Like I have a choice."

Mr. Kaligori smiled at him before leaving the room.

It wasn't long before Adelyn came back to check up on him. "You look tired," she told as she wrapped her fingers around the bars.

Justin stood up and met her, putting his hand over hers. "We need to talk about something," he told her. "Do you have a minute?"

She nodded. "How did everything go with the lawyer?"

"Good... he thinks he can help me. He's going to try to make a deal with the DA. I'm not supposed to talk to you about it, but I really don't want to keep anything from you anymore."

Between the bars, she pressed her lips to his, and then slowly pulled back.

"I'm sorry, Adelyn" he said. "I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I know you're partner hates me and is trying to get you to change your mind about me, but don't listen to him. You know I love you... and I'm not lying either. You'll see once my attorney makes this deal. I'll prove everything to you."

"I want to trust you, Justin, I do, but all that time you lied to me about what you were doing..."

Justin leaned in closer. "I wanted to tell you everything, but I couldn't. God, I just wish you could understand that!" he sighed. "This is such a mess..."

"We've got to take this a day at a time, Justin. And right now I don't know what to think. You do what you have to do to get out of here, and then we'll work the rest out later. Okay?"

He nodded.

"That other guy you mentioned earlier... I just want you to know that I want to find him and make him pay. I really hope he has something to do with this deal of yours. For all the trouble that he's caused this department, not to mention you and me, I want him to rot in jail for a long while."

It wasn't until seven thirty that evening that Justin finally let sleep get the best of him. Things weren't actually as bad as he thought they'd be. In a few days he might even be out of jail... but none of it would mean anything if Adelyn wouldn't take him back. All through the night, he slept dreamlessly, and didn't wake up until he heard keys rattling at the bars. When he looked over, an officer stood there with Mr. Kaligori at his side.

Justin sat up on the cot and once let in, his lawyer took a seat in a folding chair on the other side of the cell. Mr. Kaligori opened a folder up on his lap and looked up as Justin ran a hand through his unruly hair. "How have you been?" he asked his client.

"I'm fine, I guess," Justin told him. "But what I'd really like to know is how the District Attorney is."

Mr. Kaligori nodded in understanding. "The DA is very interested in catching the head of this operation and is more than willing to strike a deal with you about his name and his whereabouts... and as soon as possible. I need to talk to you about the terms of this deal."

"Sure," Justin relented. "Go ahead."

"The DA suggested two years probation and a fine in an agreed amount as to what you earned from stealing all of that information, in exchange for turning Colby in. Does that sound like a good deal to you?"

Justin shrugged. "I don't know where I'll get the money, but yes, that sounds like a fair deal to me."

Chapter 19
Paying the Consequences
Justin {Fiction}
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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