Paying the Consequences... Chapter 8

Once Justin was out of the car, and inside his apartment building, Pertel decided to speak up. “I don’t like that guy,” he admitted. “There’s just something about him that gives me the creeps. It’s not right.”

“What are you talking about?” Adelyn asked as she drove down the street. “He’s one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met.”

“He seemed to be on the defensive,” he went on.

She rolled her eyes. “Maybe that’s because you kept accusing him of screwing up our chances to catch the software thief. The man had a sore throat and needed a drink. Cut him some slack. Plus, it didn’t help that you kept referring to him as my boyfriend. We’re just friends, Pertel. Give it a rest.”

Pertel looked out the window and watched as the buildings flew by. “He just made me feel uneasy. That’s all.”

Safely inside his apartment, Justin leaned against the door and stared blankly across the room. It terrified him so much that he couldn’t get her off his mind, that he had tears in his eyes. He raised his hand, and put his fingers against his lips. Not only could he not stop thinking about her, but he also couldn’t stop feeling her kiss.

It only figured that he’d fall for the one person he couldn’t possibly be with… but it was too late anyway. He had his chance to back away from this whole thing, but he didn’t, and now he wanted her more than ever.

Slowly, he moved away from the door and toward the kitchen. He just had to get his mind off of Adelyn, and if that meant calling Colby and discussing business, then that was exactly what he would do.

“Hi, Colby,” he said into the phone after he’d dialed Colby’s number. “It’s Justin. Things didn’t go as planned tonight, but don’t worry because everything worked out in the end.”

Early that morning, Adelyn slipped a black glove into a plastic bag and then held it up to examine it. “I don’t think this is our guy,” she announced to Pertel, who sat on a desk, swinging his legs back and forth while he watched her intently.

“Why do you say that?” he wondered.

“Of all the reports we’ve gone over and over again, has our man ever left anything this substantial behind?”

Pertel gazed over at the glove and thought for a moment. “Everyone makes mistakes,” he decided.

“Not if you’re a professional.” Adelyn shook her head. “And this guy has to be. Do you really think he’d drop a glove? It seems so amature to me.”

Pertel shrugged. “It could happen.”

Adelyn set the bagged glove into a small cardboard box and put the lid on top. “I think we’re done here.” She looked over at Pertel and grinned. “How would you like to be my best friend in the whole wide world?”

He frowned. “I thought that position was already taken by Mr. Smooth.”

She frowned back at him. “I don’t know what your problem is with Justin, but it’s getting really annoying.” She paused. “All I wanted you to do was the paperwork, but never mind if you’re going to act like that.”

Pertel hopped off the desk and walked out the door while Adelyn gathered their things up with a sigh and then followed him outside. Normally, she would be upset about her partner’s crabby attitude, but she was so tired from her long night that she didn’t even care.

After three short hours of restless sleep, Justin gave up and put some coffee on. He sat at his kitchen table thinking about Adelyn and wondering where she could be. He almost dropped his empty coffee mug when he heard a knock on the door.

“Just a minute!” he called as he stacked his papers neatly on the kitchen table. Quickly, he hurried to the door, looked out the peephole, then unlocked and unlatched the door. When he opened it and saw Adelyn’s pretty yet tired face, he smiled. “You look like you should be in bed,” he told her.

“Gee, thanks,” she said sarcastically, pushing past him and into his apartment. “So do you.” The truth was, Justin looked perfect. Adelyn never would have guessed that it was six o’clock in the morning by his appearance. His short curls sat neatly on his head and his stark white shirt fit him just right. Though, she didn’t expect anything else.

“Would you like some coffee?” he asked, then gave her that grin that only he could get away with. “Or a bed?”

She hit his shoulder with her fist. “Coffee will be enough.”

“Ow…” He rubbed his shoulder as he moved toward the kitchen. “Fine, fine… I can take a hint.”

Adelyn sat down on his couch and cuddled against the cushions. She was glad she caught him in a good mood, but if he didn’t come back soon, she was absolutely positive that she’d fall asleep and no one would be able to wake her up for at least another twelve hours. Thank God she didn’t have to work tonight.

When Justin arrived with two mogs of coffee, he found her half asleep on the couch. He set the mugs down on two of his coasters on the coffee table before nudging her softly.

“Miss Adelyn?” he said, lowering his head closer to hers. “Adelyn, I need to know if you want sugar or-” he was interrupted when she swung a pillow at him.

“Another hint?” he mumbled, plopping down next to her and crossing his arms in front of his chest. Before he could blink, she had her arms around him; her head on his shoulder. How in the hell was he supposed to stop thinking about her when she was practically in his arms?

With a sigh, he cuddled closer to her, closed his eyes and promptly fell asleep.

When Justin opened his eyes, he realized that they were still on the couch… and Adelyn was fast asleep. He rubbed his eyes and then looked up at the clock.

“Ugh! It’s four o’clock!” He gently shook Adelyn till she opened her eyes. “Adelyn, wake up. We’ve been sleeping for way too long.”

She stretched, and then leaned back against him. “What time is it? Seems like I just closed my eyes a minute ago.”

“It’s almost four o’clock,” he told her, pulling her arms away from him and getting up from the couch. “I never meant to sleep this long. I was supposed to get started on my new article today.”

“I’m sorry, Justin. This is all my fault.” She glanced down at the cold mugs of coffee sitting in front of her. “If I hadn’t stopped by and fallen asleep on your couch, you would have had your coffee and stayed up long enough to write that article.

Justin ran his fingers through his hair as he stared at he clock. He couldn’t believe it was already so late. Where had the day gone? “No, it’s okay. I needed to sleep.” Just not so close to you, he wanted to add, but held back. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t make himself pull away from her.

“Do you know what?”


“There was this thing that I was going to go to tonight… you wanna come with?”

He turned around and looked at her. “Where?”

She got up and pushed him to his bedroom. “Go get dressed. I’ll come back to get you in twenty minutes. Be ready!” She shut the door behind him and then ran out of his apartment. Justin opened the door back up.

“Where are we going?” he asked again, but it was too late. She was gone.

Chapter 9
Paying the Consequences
Justin {Fiction}
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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