We Shall Be Free... Chapter 1

It was December 31st, and all five members of 'N Sync were preparing for their next tour. Outside it was sunny and the guys' moods were light.

Justin was jumping from room to room, gathering things and stuffing them into suitcases. "JC!" he yelled from the bathroom.

JC, thinking that Justin had hurt himself or something, came running down the hall, almost tripping over Chris' football and slid into the bathroom. "What's wrong?!"

Justin peeked out from the medicine cabinet. "Have you seen my toothbrush?"

JC's jaw dropped. "That's IT? I come running down the hall, almost falling and breaking my neck and you want your TOOTHBRUSH?!"

"Gee, sorry, man..." Justin looked at the bottom shelf of the cabinet and dug through a little box. "Oh, wait... here it is," he said, picking up the blue toothbrush and stuffing it in his bag. He looked up at JC and grinned. "Really... I'm sorry."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." JC said, waving his hand and exiting the room. He walked back down the hallway to his own room.

He grabbed his favorite jeans and folded them carefully. "Justin's ALWAYS losing things," he mumbled to himself as he set them in a suitcase.

Wait a second... where was his blue shirt? The one with the black stripe...

"JOEY!" he yelled. "Did you take my shirt again?!"

"What's that, JC?" a voice called from downstairs.




Chris' head poked into the doorway. "What do I have?" he wondered, smoothing down his tousled hair.

JC chuckled at the sight. Chris' hair was soaking wet and he had shaving cream all over his face.

"My shirt," he answered. "The blue one with the black stripe."

Chris stepped into the room and pointed to his shirt. "You mean this one?" Right as he said it, a glob of shaving cream fell off his chin and landed right onto the middle of the black stripe. "Whoops..."

"Aagghhh..." JC rolled his eyes. "Never mind. I'll get it from you later."

Chris grinned. "Okay," he said before he slipped into the hall and sauntered back to the bathroom. He pushed Justin away from the mirror and picked up his razor. "Watch it, Curly... do you want me to cut myself?"

Justin stuck his tongue out at his best friend and left the bathroom without a word. He looked around. The hall was a mess! Suitcases and clothes were everywhere. He kicked the football that JC had almost tripped over earlier. It flew into the door at the end of the hallway and Justin heard someone groan.

"Ouch! What are you trying to do out there?" Lance wondered as he whipped the ball back at Justin.

Justin caught it against his chest. "Ow..." he gasped. "Sorry, Lance. I didn't know you were in there."

"Well, this IS my room, you know..."

"I'm STARVING!" Justin said, changing the subject. "When are we eating?"

"Joey's cooking," Lance replied and then chuckled. "Who's bright idea was that? He'll eat everything before we even get in the kitchen!"

Justin laughed as he rolled the football into Chris' room. He grabbed a few articles of clothing and threw them in as well.

Lance picked one of his suitcases up and headed towards the stairs.

After the guys had packed, they headed straight to the airport to catch their flight. It was eleven o' clock at night and they were disappointed to be spending their new years on a plane, but they were also anxious to start their new tour. The first concert was tomorrow, on New Years day.

"Hey, Joey!" Chris yelled from one side of the terminal. "Catch this!" He threw the football and Joey turned his head just in time for it to smack him right in the nose.

Joey's hand flew to his nose as he cried out in pain. "Oh, God, Chris! You broke my nose, you idiot!" he shouted.

"Whoops, sorry, Joe..." Chris said, running over to Joey and handing him a tissue from his pocket.

Joey pushed it away with his free hand. "Eww! Get your dirty tissues away from me! Haven't you done enough damage?!"

"Whoa, Chris..." Justin said as he grabbed the ball away. "That was pretty good aim. Were you shooting for his nose?"

"He was looking right at me when I threw it!" Chris protested. "I swear!"

"I was looking PAST you," Joey retorted.

Lance turned to face Justin, "Joey just got hit in the nose and all you can think about is Chris' AIM? What's WRONG with you?!"

"Okay, okay," JC said as he pushed Lance away from Justin. "Stop fighting. We'll fix up Joey's nose and everything will be just fine."

Lance and Justin shot each other evil looks.

"Now boarding flight 162 to New York City," came a booming voice over the loudspeakers.

All five 'N Sync members, not so light hearted anymore, boarded the plane. They looked around. Because it was New Years Eve, there was hardly anyone on the plane. Just a few sitting near the back.

Chris slipped into the seat next to Justin. Joey and Lance sat across from them and JC sat by himself in front of Justin and Chris. He set his travel bag on the seat next to him. Obviously nobody would be sitting there. The flight was deserted.

Suddenly, he got this eerie feeling. Something was wrong... but it was too late to do anything about it. The plane was already taking off.

Chapter 2
We Shall Be Free
Group {Fiction}
My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
Email me: irishgirl982@yahoo.com