We Shall Be Free... Chapter 2

A man with jet black hair leaned back in his seat and looked out the window of the plain. "Wow," he said. "This is so perfect."

"Of course it is," the blonde man sitting next to him agreed. "This was all my idea. Once this gets all over the news then they'll ALL know when the REAL millennium is. Two thousand one..."

"Oh, shut up. It wasn't ALL your idea. I'm the one who picked 'N Sync over the Backstreet Boys."

The blonde one wrinkled his nose. "AJ scares me," he stated. "Besides, I think 'N Sync will be much easier to handle. Don't you?"

The other man ignored his comment. "Just picture it, Adam... 'N Sync missing over the Pacific..." he trailed off.

"Yeah," Adam grinned evilly. "And then we'll call some reporter and say that we have them. We'll tell them all that it's the millennium NOW and that we have 'N Sync... but we won't tell them where."

"Hey... why didn't we kidnap somebody really important. Like the president or something?"

"Why? Because the president is staying at home with his family over the New Year. There's no way we could have gotten a hold of him."

"Why not Dick Clark? He's pretty important this time of year."

"Who cares about him? He'll croak in a few years anyway. We need to make an impact! Now if we could have gotten both 'N Sync AND the Backstreet Boys... then we'd REALLY have something going here..."

"Yeah, too bad the Backstreet Boys are home with their families. That would be too difficult."

"Hey, you better change directions or we're really gonna be going to New York," Adam said, giving a chuckle.

"You're right." The blond man pressed a few buttons and soon the plane was turning.

"Whoa..." Chris said, putting his hand to his stomach after the plane turned. "I think I'm gonna be sick..."

"Eww..." Joey said, leaning closer to Lance. "Get away from me...."

Chris jumped up from his seat and ran to the bathroom as his four friends watched.

"Is there a storm or something?" JC wondered as he leaned over the back of his seat.

Lance and Joey glanced out the window. The sky was black and so clear that they could see all of the stars.

"I'm gonna go check on Chris," Justin announced as he hopped up from his seat and followed Chris' trail to the bathroom.

"Chris?" he said as he tapped lightly on the door. "Are you okay in there?"

The door suddenly swung open and a very pale looking Chris emerged. "I think so," he said, wiping his forehead. "Wow... I really need something to drink."

Justin wrinkled his nose as he followed Chris back to their seats in first class.

Kat walked into the cockpit and pushed the cart to the wall. "Hey guys," she greeted as she took her seat in between them. She raised her glass to her lips and took a sip. "You know," she said as she tapped her foot against the bottom of the control panel. "The short one looked pretty sick."

"Sick?" Adam perked up. Their plan wouldn't work if one of them was really sick. "Jim, go give him some medicine," he said to his dark haired friend.

"Don't you think they'd get suspicious if we shoved pills down his throat? Besides-"

"Slip it in his drink or something!" Adam interrupted.

Jim shot Adam a look. "Besides," he continued. "He's probably just airsick."

Kat just sat there staring out the window as the men's conversation faded away in her ears. This was going to be a LONG trip.

"Are you sure you're okay, Chris?" JC inquired. "You don't look so hot..."

Justin put his hand to Chris' forehead and then looked back at JC. "He is too! He's burning up!"

Chris closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat.

"Do you really think Chris is that sick?" Joey whispered to Lance. "I mean, he was just fine earlier..."

Lance cringed at the sight of Joey's nose which was already turning black and blue. "Does your nose hurt?" he asked, dismissing Joey's question.

Joey frowned. "What do you think, genius?"

"Ouch... sorry, man..."

All five 'N Sync member's heads shot up when they heard a booming voice over the loudspeaker.

"Attention, passengers. Because of wind, we are being detoured to Hartsfield International Airport in Georgia. Sorry for the inconvenience." Click

"What?!" JC cried. "Georgia?!"

After about fifteen minutes of groaning and complaining, things quieted down and the guys all fell into peaceful slumbers.

Chris was the first one to wake up. He yawned and looked at his watch. It was a little before one. They had missed the New Year. He leaned over Justin and looked out the window. It was pure black with the exception of the moon staring back at him. No... wait... there were two moons. One had to be a reflection. By the looks of things, he figured that they were above water. That's when he began to panic. Hadn't the pilot said that they were landing in Georgia?

"Justin! Justin!" he hissed as he pushed his friend's shoulder. "Wake up!"

Justin blinked. Once he realized that Chris had just woken him up, he frowned. "Leave me alone!" he growled.

"But, Justin! Weren't we supposed to be landing by now? It's one!"

Justin froze and then turned to look out the window. "What's going on here?"

"I have no idea," Chris admitted.

Suddenly, JC's head popped up from the seats in front of them. "Will you two quit talking so loud? I'm trying to sleep here!"

"JC," Justin started. "Don't you think this plane ride is a little... oh, I don't know... LONG?"

Chapter 3
We Shall Be Free
Group {Fiction}
My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
Email me: irishgirl982@yahoo.com