We Shall Be Free... Chapter 3

JC stared at Justin for a while and then bolted from his seat. "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!" he announced as he ran up to the front of the plane.

Just then, Joey's eyes flew open in time to see JC pounding on the big metal door. "What's he doin'?"

Adam's blonde head spun around and he glared at the door. "What IS that?"

"Someone must be knocking," Jim explained.

"Well, I kinda FIGURED that!"

Kat glanced at the door when the knocking didn't stop. "Maybe we should answer it..."

Jim started to get up, but Adam pushed him back down. "I'LL get it." He walked over to the door and unlocked it.

"Damn it! Open the door!" JC growled as he reached for the handle. He hadn't expected the door to actually be open... but it was, and when he pushed it, he flew inside, almost falling flat on his face.

Inside there was two men and one woman. JC noticed the smug smile on the blonde man's face.

"Hello, sir, and welcome to Northwest Airlines. Can we help you?" the woman asked, giving JC a sugary smile.

A dazed JC just stared at her. Something was wrong... dreadfully wrong... and it scared him half to death.

"Well, speak up, sir!" Adam prompted.

JC opened his mouth to ask why they were still in the air, but something told him to stay quiet. "I... I..." he stuttered. "I just wanted a glass of water."

The woman's smile got bigger... if that was possible, and she walked toward the beverage cart.

Once JC had gotten his drink, he mumbled a quick thank you and then exited the room to see four pairs of eyes staring curiously at him.

"So...?" Justin said after the door had closed.

"I didn't ask."

"What?! Why not?!" Joey wondered.

"They seemed..." JC paused as he searched for the right word. "Oh, I don't know," he gave up. "It just didn't seem right to ask him. Something is definitely wrong here."

Lance stood up. "Damn it, JC! You should have asked!" he cried.

Joey grabbed the hem of Lance's shirt and pulled him back down.

JC took a step toward Joey and Lance's seats and pointed at Lance. "You just don't get it, do you? Well, there's a reason why I couldn't ask them. I... I can't really explain why, but there just is..."

By now, Lance's face was bright red in anger. "Sometimes I just don't understand you, JC!"

The vein in JC's neck enlarged. "Go in there yourself and ask, then!" he shouted.

JC hadn't really expected Lance to climb over Joey and make his way towards the cockpit, but that's exactly what happened. Four pairs of eyes stared at him as he approached the door.

"Lance! Wait!" JC called out.

Lance spun around and glared at him. "What NOW?!"

"You can't go in there."

Lance looked at him as if he were insane. "Why not?"

JC, close to tears from frustration, ran to the front of the plane and tried to drag Lance back. "You've just gotta trust me on this one. Something's up... and we need to get off this plane.

Chris raised an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting that we JUMP? 'Cause there's no way-"

"That's not what he means you idiot," Joey said a little louder than he had planned on.

Chris looked hurt, and Justin patted his back. Then, he shot Joey a look. "WHO's calling WHO an idiot?!" He turned to look back at Chris. "Are you sure that red dye didn't seep through his scalp?"

Chris chuckled as Lance stomped his foot. "Will you guys stop fighting?"

They all noticed a strange gleam in JC's eyes. "We've gotta get out of this plane!" He was clutching Lance's arm so tightly, that Lance pulled away in pain.

"Ouch!" he cried.

JC's right," Justin agreed. "We've gotta get out of this. Something is SO wrong. I was feelin' it when we got on the plane and I'm still feelin' it now."

After Justin had made his little speech, they all fell silent, thoughts of escape running through their minds...

Kat looked at the two men in font of herself. "Hey, guys..." she said slowly, glancing from one to the other. "Do you think they...."

"They what?" Jim prompted.

"They... know?"

"Know!?" Adam cried. "How could they KNOW?"

"That guy that just came in here... he was acting kind of strange. I think he knows that something is up," she explained.

"Well," Jim said as he turned to Adam. "You DID say over the loud speakers that we were landing in Georgia..."

Adam's eyes narrowed at Jim. "Hell, as far as they know we're on our way to New York."

"True..." Kat said as she gazed out the window. After a minute or two passed, she spoke up again. "But... we're over the ocean..."

Both Adam and Jim followed her gaze. "Oh..."

Kat jumped up. "I'll go check on our... passengers."

Adam hopped up and patted her on the back. "Good idea!"

The members of 'N sync were almost asleep once again, when the big heavy door opened and Kat appeared. The second Lance saw the look in her eyes, he knew JC was right. He could tell that her bright blue eyes were keeping a secret. What was it though?

Chapter 4
We Shall Be Free
Group {Fiction}
My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
Email me: irishgirl982@yahoo.com