We Shall Be Free... Chapter 4

Joey glanced down at his watch. It was three thirty-seven... three hours and forty-seven minutes into the new year... they should be in New York by now. He looked at Lance who was sleeping with his head to one side of the chair. Joey wrinkled his nose. Ouch... he was going to have a sore neck when he woke up.

If they thought JC was panicking before... he was REALLY panicking now. He sat in his seat impatiently staring out into the black sky. His foot kept tapping the seat in front of him.

Lance, on the other hand, seemed pretty calm. He looked a little angry as he glared at the seat in front of himself with his arms crossed.

Joey was keeping his mind on other things. He had two chopsticks that he had taken from the Chinese restaurant and was drumming them on everything around him... including Lance.

Justin and Chris were whispering to each other. Their minds, like JC's, were set on escape and both of them would do ANYTHING to get away. Well, Chris proclaimed that he'd do anything but jump... other than that, he was determined.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Oh my God, JC... if you don't stop that right now, I SWEAR..." Justin said, standing up and looking over at his friend.

JC jumped up and looked at his band mates. "I'm sorry, Justin, but I've just gotta get out of here... I'm gonna go INSANE!"

Joey snickered. "You already have," he muttered under his breath, still keeping rhythm on Lance's shoulder.

"I heard that," JC snarled.

"Stop!" Lance cried, pushing the chopsticks away from himself. "God, can't you ever sit still?"

"At least I'm not acting like a jerk," Joey shot back.

"Who says?" JC and Justin said in unison.

Chris giggled. "Come on! One of you has to say... 'Jinx,'!'

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

"You're not helping me, Chris," JC said through clenched teeth. "We seriously need to get out of here."

"God!" Joey moaned as he watched JC's face turn some weird shade of red. "Someone give him his medication..."

"Who?" Chris asked in a defensive tone. "Me?!"

Joey glared at him. "NO! JC, you moron!"

"Stop fighting!" Justin erupted.

Joey ignored Justin and continued. "As long as JC's getting his medication... maybe he should share some with you!"

Justin crawled over Chris and was about to grab Joey's shirt when JC leapt in between them.

"This has GOT to stop! Instead of going against each other, let's put our heads together and try to come up with a plan."

"I'll put their heads together..." Justin growled at Joey and Lance.

JC shoved him onto Chris who pushed him back in his seat.

Suddenly, a booming voice came over the loud speaker. "We'll be landing shortly. Thank you for your patience."

All five guys looked around.

"So, that's it?" Chris wondered. "It's over?"

"But WHERE are we landing?" Lance brought up.

All the guys thought about it.

"I'd really like to know what's going on!" JC cried out.

"Join the club!" Joey snapped, causing JC to turn to him.

"I'm sick of your damn mouth," he shot back. "Shut the hell up!"

Joey was about to retort back when the plane began to shake, silencing him.

"Oh, no!" Chris yelled in a panicked voice. "We're all gonna DIE!"

"We are NOT gonna die," Lance assured him. "We're just landing."

"Yeah, and you know this because you're the pilot, right?" Chris replied sarcastically. "You think you're so freakin' smart, Lance!"

Lance turned to face the seat in front of himself and stared. "Shut up," he muttered.

Justin chuckled. "In your FACE, Lance!"

"SHUT UP!" Lance yelled.

"This is SO stupid!" JC yelled back. "Stop it NOW!"

The plane kept descending until the guys heard the wheels hit the ground. Chris squeezed his eyes shut and clutched the arms of his seat until the plane was at a complete stop.

"Ha!" Lance laughed as Chris opened his eyes. "I TOLD you that we weren't gonna crash!"

Chris ignored Lance and turned to Justin. "What now?"

"I don't know..." Justin replied honestly.

They heard the sound of the plane's engine dwindle down to nothing and all five of them waiting impatiently for the next set of events to occur so that they could decide what they were going to do.

The door to the cockpit flew pen and the blonde man that JC had seen earlier appeared. He stepped toward them, his feet echoing down the isle. "I suppose you're probably curious," he started, giving them a look that set more fear than ever into the atmosphere of the plane. They were too scared to nod, much less say anything.

The man chuckled at the dumbfounded looks on their faces as a woman and a man walked out of the cockpit and joined their leader's stance. "Well," he continued. "My name's Adam and these two behind me are Jim and Kat."

"Hey..." Joey said, grinning at Kat.

Lance elbowed him in the ribs and Joey groaned, hunching over in his seat. "Ow..."

"No fighting!" Adam demanded.

"God, I didn't even hit him that hard. He's overreacting!"

"Quit talking." Adam paused as he eyes the three men to his right. The one in the front looked terrified and Adam was pleased. The two behind him were a different story. They had cross looks on their faces. Adam would have to work on them...

Chapter 5 (not ready)
We Shall Be Free
Group {Fiction}
My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
Email me: irishgirl982@yahoo.com