DragonSpeak 107
Ever dream needs a few good locking rooms...
or maybe a lock for the whole dream.
The Block Lock Let's start with a simple type lock, the blocked door. Say we build a room with a red knight blocking the doorway. How do we get rid of him? Try standing on the square in front of him and drop object 0 (yes, you can use drop even when you aren't holding anything.) Poof! The knight moves! Now enter the building. As soon as we step inside, he goes back on guard duty. And no one can sneak in while the path is clear because you are standing in the way :-) To leave, simply walk into the knight and you'll be outside again. Here's the DS: Move The Knight (0:18) When somebody drops object type
Replace the Knight (0:7) When somebody moves into position
(14,23), (walk inside)
Easy, huh? Not very secure, though - a player with even modest experience might easly discover the way in. So let's try a more secure lock... The Key Item Lock Another type of lock involves using a key in order to be able to pass through a door. Set up a door wall and use this code to move the furre in and out: Getting inside
Exit the Room (0:19) When somebody uses object type
422, (the gold key)
The Switch Lock A locking room is very easy to create: just set up a trigger which will place an object in front of the door. Step into the building and throw the swtich. Wow, the keep out sign pops up. Hit the switch again and it goes away. Neat, huh? Here's the DS: (0:7) When somebody moves into position
(42,21), (the switch)
Well there you have it - three different types of locks for your dream. You can surely improve on them and customize them to meet your needs. You can even create more elaborate locks which require more than one action in order to gain access to a room, and these are the most secure of all. Use your imagination and happy dreaming! Note: Sample dreams demonstrating these lock types are available for download elsewhere on this site. In the next section we will tackle the
issue of using sound and music in your dreams.