Simon Potter's
Complete Furcadian Guide

DragonSpeak Recipes
Cut and Paste DS!

 I like simple scripts which are short and powerful. Here then is a collection of DS recipes which you can copy and paste into your dreams.

Pet the Scarhawk

How about a script which lets you pet Scarhawks and move them around anywhere? Place a scarhawk or two on the map and paste this script into the ds file and you're set!

(0:3) When somebody moves into object type 385,
 (3:6) where the triggering furre moved into,
 (5:4) place object type 0
(3:5) where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing at),
 (5:4) place object type 385

Doors Anywhere

First, use wall #8 to make a door frame. Next, choose a door object that you like. I'll use object 260 for this example. 259 and 260 are the same door in two positions, one for open and one for closed. Position the closed door in the door frame. Great! Now all we need to do is animate it with a little DS...

(0:3) When somebody moves into object type 260, (the closed door)
 (3:6) where the triggering furre moved into,
 (5:4) place object type 259. (the open door)
 (5:12) play sound 3 to everyone (the sound of the door opening)
 (5:50) set countdown timer 1 to go off in 3 seconds.

(0:50) When countdown timer 1 goes off,
(4:3) only where an object type 259 is, (the open door)
(5:6) swap object types 259 and 260. (close the door again)
(5:12) play sound 4 to everyone (play the closed door sound)

There you have it. So long as you only use these two door types with the door closed facing NE/SW, this script will open and close all the doors like this in your dream.


Set two chair objects, 178 and 3 at opposite ends of a table. Note the x,y coordinates of both and complete this script: 

(0:100) When 10 seconds have passed, offset by 0,
 (3:2) at position (x,y)on the map,
 (5:6) swap object types 3 and 178.
 (3:2) at position (x,y) on the map,
 (5:6) swap object types 3 and 178.

Auto-Closing Doors

(0:7) When somebody moves into position (#,#) ( position where you put the door ),
                            (3:2) at position (#,#) ( position where you put the door ) on the map,
                            (5:4) place object type # ( 2nd door graphic ).
                            (5:8) play sound # ( door opening sound ) to whoever set off the trigger.

                    (0:1) Whenever somebody moves,
                            (1:19) and they (moved from/are standing at) position (#,#) ( pos. where you put the door ), 
                            (3:2) at position (#,#) ( position where you put the door ) on the map,
                            (5:4) place object type # ( 1st door graphic ).
                            (5:8) play sound # ( close door sound ) to whoever set off the trigger.

