Simon Potter's
Complete Furcadian Guide


AFK - Away from keyboard
AFF - Away from furcadia
Beekin - Official Furcadia Help Staff Volunteers
Bot - a non-player character which is really a software program
Dream - a user-created map
Dragon Speak (also DS) The programming language used to operate maps on Furcadia
Dusk2Dawn - R-rated Gothic clubs
Felorin - Creator/programmer of Furcadia
Furc - abbrv  for Furcadia
Furre - the inhabitants of Furcadia
Guild - organized furre groups for roleplaying or socializing
IC - in character
IRL - in real life
Kidderwing - a fairy-like creature found in the Sanctuary Dream
Lag - a slowing of data transfer which causes Furcadia action to slow or pause
Mrrr - noise made to indicate pleasure used by all species in Furcadia.
NW - New Haven
Nuzzle - To rub noses or muzzles in affection.
OOC - out of character
Owsla - those officialy charged with enforcing Furcadia's policies
Persona Play - playing your character without the role-playing activities
PGer - Power gamer.
Primes - immortal characters of Furcadia
RP - Role playing
Talzehemir - Creator and artist of Furcadia
Twink - an annoying person.
Yiff - cybersex