What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice,
And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.
-Mother Goose

For those of you who never believe me when I say I'm cute and innocent, well, here's your proof. It's a web page. And if it's online, it must be true...

Here's a li'l poem my friend wrote for me:
Dressed in pink,
she's sweet and demure.
As far as you know
she's totally pure.

This is the page of all that's wonderful and girly... Things that I am, things that I wish I could have been, and things that I may still have time to be.

Good girls wear pretty dresses, lots of underwear and always keep their stockings straight. They know the difference between daytime and evening dress and behavior. They use the right silverwear, know how to set the table, and use their grandmother's antique china.

What is a good girl?
Not a whore.

Good girls never compromise themselves, or let boys compromise them. Their skirts stay at knee length. They never go out unescorted, and always come home at a reasonable hour. A good girl, after a certain age is allowed a moderate amount of cosmetics, but only to look natural, not to imitate a streetwalker. Although a good girl enjoys a certain amount of innocence, she should never be naieve and believe a cad when he wasn't her to break the rules she innately knows.

for more rules try this

If you don't like this sort of thing try snips and snails and puppydog tails