Rules for life

Women Who Should Not Marry

The woman who thinks she can get $5,000 worth of style out of a $1,000 salary.
The woman who buys for the mere pleasure of buying.
The woman who would rather die than wear a bonnet two seasons old.
The woman who reads cheap novels, and dreams of being a duches or a countess.
The woman who thinks it is cheaper to buy bread than make it.
The woman who marries in order to have someone to pay her bills.
The woman who expects to have a "good, easy time."
The woman who stays at home only when she can not find a place to visit.
The woman who wants things just because "other women" have them.

-NY Times reprinted in The Farmers' Voice, Chicago, June 18, 1898

Heath Tips for College Students
Maude Lee Etheredge MD, W.B Sauhders Company, Philadelphia, 1942.

"friendship: In the art of living it is necessary for us to know not only how to make friends but how to be a friend...
The attraction for the opposite sex is a normal impulse though which life may reach its fullest realization. Students should take the opportunity to associate with different friends so that they may be able to analyze characteristics more carefully and have a basis of comparison, but this does not mean indiscriminate "blind" dating. ...Future happiness may depend largely on developing friendship which will enlarge, not warp, personalities. A young woman usually sets the direction for fine friendships. Some fail to do this "in order to be popular"; such friendships are usually short lived. Students would be wise to develop intellectual and leisure interests such as music, reading, and sports, and to encourage these interests in their friends.

Petting- To be physically near a sweetheart is a normal desire. Nearness naturally stimulates the emotions. There are two ways to manage these emotions: one is the sublimate them- to divert them into other channels by means of wholesome play, hobbies, and mutual interests in fine companionship; the other is to dissipate these emotions in teasing experiences such as petting, exciting movies, obscene literature, and indecent stories which lower men's and women's attitude toward the finest in love life. Emotional control when learned early in life proves to be one of the greatest assets later in a happy marriage... Some college men and women fail to reach maturity in their behavior because they do not attain a fine emotional control. Their interests in each other are often on a purely physical basis which is a poor beginning for a lasting friendship. Physical familiarity cheapens personality and breaks down reserve and self-respect. The appetite for sexual thrills grows; it can over-rule the idea of developing a finer, deeper, more lasting quality of love. Though young people do not usually lose self-control deliberately; it is more often lost through unwise petting. The loss of self-control usually comes on unawares while petting. Petting so blinds the individual that he is unable to develop or discover real personal values. It is for these reasons that thoughtful people condemn indiscriminate petting, realizing that over stimulation eventually handicaps. The power to appreciate and to discriminate cannot be cultivate through indiscriminate petting. Young people cannot maintain respect for one another if the body is "completely handled," even though sexual intercourse does not take place.. not one can really love one whom he does not respect. Exploitation of another's personality for purely selfish desires in involved in promiscuous petting.

Society safeguards the sanctity of the home by monogamous marriage. Some young people step aside with the excuse "others are doing it," thus being sadly misled... The control of sexual emotions can be sublimated in either sex by fact in the situation honestly, by strong will power, by sufficient regular physical exercise and by wholesome interests.

The small child as a result of a general curiosity about its own body may manipulate the external genitals. This is knows as masturbation....Masturbation is a childish form of behavior and is usually outgrown. Parents should not humiliate the child as this may eventually lead to lack of self-confidence. Masturbation does not produce delinquency and feeblemindedness buy may be found in institutions for this group as they do not posses self-control to the extent of the normal individual. If the habit is difficult to break, a physician should be consulted. In the development of the child, self-love is shown first, then the love for parents, and later affection for the same sex. The may reach a "crush" stage if not properly directed. It may prevent love for the opposite sex. It is then called homosexuality and may be brought about by:
1. Lack of adequate sex education.
2. Lack of opportunity to meet people of the opposite sex.
3. Antagonism acquired against the opposite sex.
4. Unwillingness to face the responsibility of marriage.
5. Certain glandular malfunctions
Parents and teachers can help to build the right attitude toward social relationships early in the life of children, and also give them ways of directing affection before it begins to become fixed on the same sex.

Other Useful Rules for your Benefit

Americans for Purity please note this is a joke

Setting a Table

Victorian Ettiquette

Society needs rules and tradition. When tradition is lost society falls apart.