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Life (Friel)
History and Literature
When researching web resources on Philadelphia Here
I Come, I discovered that there are numerous sites giving biographical
detail about Brian Friel, but found it impossible to find any resources,
which would be of any significant benefit to teachers or pupils when
studying this play. Even this site, an official Brian Friel website gives
little information on the text. It begins by giving information on Friel's
Life, and elsewhere, does give limited some limited facts about his other
plays, Dancing at Lughnasa and Volunteers. However, even in the section
entitled Plays, Philadelphia Here I Come is only mentioned in passing as
his first play. I found the results of my Internet search on this play
very disappointing and can see that there is a need for much more
information to be made available on the Internet, as this is after all, a
text which is often on the GCSE English Literature syllabus.