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Family Matters

Lord looking back now, at years gone by.

I think of the those times, and i wonder why.
As brothers and sisters, we stood close together.
But no one cared, about our family matters.

When once we would fight, for a sister or brother.
Now we don't even speak, when we see one another.
Lord we all have done wrong, back in our past.
But Lord your forgiveness, is all that we ask.

Lord all familys, should love one another.
and be able to forgive, a sister or brother.

I've tried to make peace, and i love you I'll say.
Lord if you can forgive me, then why can't they.
Lord i know in heaven, someday i shall meet.
My brothers and sisters, on your golden street.
And again my family, will all be together.

And on earth as in heaven, it's the family that matters.

All things from our past, wiill not darken our minds.
And all the love we've looked for, in heaven we'll find.
We'll find dad and mother, and around them we will gather.
And around our Fathers throne, it's his children that matter.