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I Won't Tell You Good Bye

When God Called You Home, We Knew Not Why.
You Where So Full Of Life, And Oh How We Cried.
A Brother And Dad, You Was So Loved By All.
But We Need Not Question, When God Makes His Call.

Deaths Not The End, It's, A Brand New Start.
And Heaven You Gained, By The Love In Your Heart.
My Last Words To You, With Tear Filled Eyes.
Was Tell Jesus I Love Him, But I'll Not, Tell You Good Bye.

I Won't Tell You Good Bye, Or Say This Is The End
I'll Tell You We Love you, As God's Angels He Sends.
Tho I Write These Words, I Speak Also For Others,
They Love You So Much, Your Sisters And Brothers.

It Hurts So Much, To Set With Pen In Hand.
As You Look Down On Us, From God's Promised Land.
I'll Tell You We Love You, Through Tear Filled Eyes.
These Things I'll Tell You, But I'll Not Tell You Good Bye.