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The Flag Thats Never Flown

In my Mother's house The most prized possession is The Flag that's never flown

It's never hung proudly On the Fourth of July To watch a marching band go by

It sits on the corner of a shelf Standing there proudly All by itself

Folded so neatly for all to see I can never express how much That Flag means to me

You see it's only been unfolded once Then folded back up with care After it honored the casket Of the man whose name  I proudly wear

Good-bye Dad

July 6, 1996

Copyright  © 1996 David Fruge

In Loving Memory of my father, Chris Fruge September 12,1930 - July 6, 1996

CW2 Christoval Fruge 16 Dec 68 - 22 Aug 69 9th Avn Bn - Dong Tam, Vietnam