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Still Our Children
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Grieving Parents
Internet Community

Grieving Parents provides an e-mail support group for parents whose sons or daughters lived and died. The group offers friendship, support and information, as well as a safe place to discuss our feelings and experiences. In addition. we offer a forum to share and honor the lives of our sons and daughters in positive ways.

Grieving Parents has been effective in helping mothers and fathers find their way after the death of a child. Its power comes from all of its members, those who read as well as those who write to the group.

Together We Walk the Stepping Stones
by Barb Williams

Come, take my hand, the road is long.
We must travel by stepping stones.
No, you're not alone. I've been there.
Don't fear the darkness. I'll be with you.

We must take one step at a time.
But remember, we may have to stop awhile.
It's a long way to the other side
And there are many obstacles.

We have many stones to cross.
Some are bigger than others.
Shock, denial, and anger to start.
Then comes guilt, despair, and loneliness.

It's a hard road to travel, but it must be done.
It's the only way to reach the other side.

Come, slip your hand in mind.
What? Oh, yes, it's strong.
I've held so many hands like yours.
Yes, mine was once small and weak like yours.

Once, you see, I had to take someone's hand
In order to take the first step.
Oops! You've stumbled. Go ahead and cry.
Don't be ashamed. I understand.

Let's wait here awhile so that you can get your breath.
When you're stronger, we'll go on, one step at a time.
There's no need to hurry.

Say, it's nice to hear you laugh.
Yes, I agree, the memories you shared are good.
Look, we're halfway there now.

I can see the other side.
It looks so warm and sunny.
On, have you noticed? We're nearing the last stone
And you're standing alone.
And look, your hand, you've let go of mine.
We've reached the other side.

But wait, look back, someone is standing there.
They are alone and want to cross the stepping stones.
I'd better go. They need my help.
What? Are you sure?
Why, yes, go ahead. I'll wait.

You know the way.
You've been there.
Yes, I agree. It's your turn, my friend . . .
To help someone else cross the stepping stones.

Grieving Parents (GP) was founded on January 16, 1999 by Karyl, Arlyn's Mom. The work on our newsletter, website and all other services offered by GP is done by members of the group who volunteer. They donate their time generously, in memory of their sons and daughters. No one in GP is paid. These volunteers are the heart of GP.


This website was created, developed and maintained by several dedicated and creative volunteers, in memory of their sons and daughters.
g Our GP Webmasters:
c Joan Lawton, mother of Michael (who created the GP website, 1999 - 2001)
c Lorrie Wilson, mother Megan Nicole Wilson (2001 - 2002)
c Christine Ross, Mother of Lucas Christopher Ross, (2002 - 2004)
c Maureen Taggart, Mother of Daniel Taggart. (2004 - present)
g Website assistants:
c Tissie Gray, mother of Avra Johnson
c Marv Conover, father of Micha Conover
c Bill Brown, father of Elizabeth Brown
c Jeri Lafoon, mother of Bryan Lafoon