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Writer's note: The lyrics in this fic are from the song "107", by Orgy, and are used without permission. Hopefully the Orgy bish-boys won't sue me. As with all fic authors, I am too impoverished to be worth suing. ^_^

Song lyrics will be in italics.

Fade in on a dark bedroom illuminated only by the dim glow of a few candles. At first the room appears to be empty, until one finally spots the small black-clad figure hunched next to the bed, his legs curled under him and a picture clutched in his slender hands.

It's about this constant addiction
About this greater demand
As I reach for the laugh with only seconds left I'm getting deeper

It's a photograph of Heero, poorly done and blurry, as if taken from a surveillance camera. Despite its poor quality, however, one cannot mistake the intensity in the Japanese boy's midnight-dark blue eyes. He is looking at someone, but that someone has obviously been cut out of the picture, leaving Heero to stare into blankness. Duo smiles down at the picture, tracing a finger along the line of photo-Heero's jaw. He laughs shortly, an abrupt sound that is not altogether pleasant.

It's about this constant addiction
About this greater demand
As I reach for the laugh with only seconds left I'm getting deeper

Time for action. Duo rises, shrugging on a black leather jacket as he heads for the door. Behind him, the photo he has released flutters to the carpet, face down.

He is passing through the living room, on his way to the front door. Quatre looks up from the couch, ocean-blue eyes wide and concerned. Next to him, Trowa lifts his face from the book he's been reading, frowns slightly, and asks Duo a question.

With his usual cheer, Duo offers some flippant reply, chuckling. Quatre cocks his head to the side, eyes still worried. Duo grins and shakes his head, braid bouncing, eyes practically shining as he assures the blond that everything is all right-- Everything's going to be just fine. Before anymore questions can be asked of him, he turns on his heel and stalks out the door.

Quatre and Trowa share anxious looks.

Outside it is dark. Fast-moving clouds obscure the moon and stars; the only light comes from the streetlamps. Duo crosses in and out of each pool of golden light, his steps quick and purposeful.

And did you say that you were happy
'Cause I won't leave you alone
I need the push to allude to things I have to say
To what I have to say

There's a time and a place we hide behind
An alternate face
When the freak needs a nurse you comply
With the fools in mind

Duo's mouth is pulled up into what should be a smile, but the expression is somehow void of its normal warmth and humor. His eyes pick up the glow from the streetlights, reflecting it back in disturbing parody, like the stained-glass windows of a church reflecting the light of the fire which is consuming it.

There's a time and a place we hide behind
An alternate face
We're the people who fuck with your mind
When you sleep inside

Up ahead is a phone booth; Duo makes a bee-line for it and steps inside. Lifting the phone from its cradle, he easily punches in the desired number from memory.

We get to see the other end; in a darkened bedroom in a house not far away, a phone splits the late-night silence with its insistent ring. A tousled head lifts from the pillows, and familiar dark blue eyes squint at the phone on the bedside table. Next to him in bed, a girl with wheat-blonde hair murmurs sleepily, but Heero answers the phone before it can wake her.

There is a moment of confusion as he holds the phone to his ear, his sleep-fuzzed mind not comprehending things at first. But then he recognizes the low voice on the other end of the line, and suddenly his eyes go wide as he listens to Duo purr in seductive tones.

I can take you away
To a better place, to a better time
I can take you away
To a better place

Heero is shaking his head no, eyes still wide. He glances at his sleeping wife, fearful of waking her, but Relena slumbers on, unmindful of the disturbing phone conversation which is taking place.

Back at the phone booth, Duo is smiling and twirling the phone cord around one finger. His eyes glitter with the darker brother to amusement. He continues to speak into the phone, voice husky, but with dangerous undertones that not even a public pay phone can dillute.

Let's talk about you and me tonight
'Cause I'd really like to take you home
Let's talk about you and me tonight

Abruptly Heero hangs up the phone, and Duo is left speaking to dead air. But if anything, his grin widens.

'Cause I need the push to allude to things I have to say

He replaces the phone in its cradle and steps out of the booth. Some trick of the light casts his face in shadow while his eyes hold onto their reflected glow. He begins to walk again, pace quick.

There's a time and a place we hide behind
An alternate face
When the freak needs a nurse you comply
With the fools in mind

Heero is out of bed and is throwing on clothes. Duo is coming. He knows it.

Relena stirs again, half-waking this time and reaching for her husband with a murmured question. Heero leans over the bed to kiss her gently, reassuringly. She smiles slightly as she sinks back into her dreams, and Heero's eyes linger for a moment on her sweet lips. His expression is a mixture of love and fear.

There's a time and a place we hide behind
An alternate face
We're the people who fuck with your mind
When you sleep inside

A noise, from outside. Heero tenses; then, with a last soft look at his sleeping wife, he turns and runs from the room, scooping up his gun from its customary place atop the dresser. He makes his way to the front door, eyes darting this way and that, gun held ready.

Another noise, like a rustling in the bushes. Heero attempts to peer out the front window, but it's just too dark. He eases the front door open and lifts the gun to aim, eyes narrowed and shoulders stiff.

And remember the times that we've shown you the way
With so many faces
And remember the times that we've shown you the way

A sound, close behind; turning, but it's too late to bring the gun to bear, too late to do more than simply turn his head to peer over his shoulder. And there stands Duo in the shadow of the rosebush, beautiful eyes alight, smile wide and delighted and full of mischief, as if sneaking up on Heero is some great joke. But the gun held unwaveringly in his hands, pointed at Heero's head, is no laughing matter.

Heero's eyes are impossibly wide, and terror wars with sadness and betrayal in their depths.

Duo shakes his head, still smiling. The gun goes click.

In their bedroom, Relena sighs in her sleep, content and without worry.

We can change your mind





Another note from Writer: It would have been so easy to just write Relena as the obsessional jilted lover, which is exactly why I didn't. I hope the story was clear enough... This was my first attempt at a songfic (or is this a vidfic?).