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Syrian Antics Central

Should I get a Syrian?

Syrian hamsters are solitary in the wild - meaning that they live alone and they only come together to mate. In captivity, as pets, they also prefer to live alone. Some hamsters can live together when they are young but turn on each other as soon as they mature. These two below are still amicable but will soon have to be separated.

Syrian hamsters are inquisitive and curious creatures. However, though some can be bold and come dashing out to investigate, others are shy and prefer to come out and play on their own time.

Most syrians, if appropriately and frequently handled since young, do not bite. However, there are strains of fierce syrian hamsters that you might want to avoid, or risk having a nasty bite from. Syrian hamster bites are deep and painful. If you are bitten by your hamster, wash the wound out and apply antiseptic.

Syrians can usually climb very well but because they have very bad eyesight, it might not be a good idea to give them too high a cage where a fall could be fatal.

Syrian hamsters sleep in the day and are easily frightened if woken up abruptly by their owners. Wake them up slowly as they might turn around and bite before realising it's only you. If you hear your hamster making a 'chattering' sound, stay away for a while. Hamsters make this sound to other hamsters too, to tell them to stay away or risk a fight.

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