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 Winter whites

 Hamsters do not eat much relative to us or other pets. In fact, many owners have the tendency to overfeed their pets.
Hamsters are omnivores but lean more to a vegetarian diet. They do very well on a complete compound food of a variety of seeds and other vegetable matter. Fresh food is also appreciated.

Some of their favorite foods....

Please bear in mind that these are what other owners feed have said that they feed their winter whites and may not be suitable for all hamsters.

See also Mealworms

Vegetables  Fruits Nuts & seeds Others
  • Sweetcorn
  • Chinese cabbage
  • peanuts
  • millet seeds
  •  yoghurt drops

What you should NOT feed your winter whites

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More literature...

Also visit The Nutrient Requirements of Hamsters in the book, Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals, Fourth Revised Edition, 1995 (1995). This is a review of the scientific literature written for biology students and researchers. It is quite informative and I recommend you take a look if you are very keen on hamster nutrition.

 There are a few nutrition articles written by Sebastian, a member of tusmc_hamsters, for the list members. If you're a list member, go to:

To join the list, tusmc_hamsters

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