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                                           Theory W  page 108
 Chapter for introduction
       Review.  The preface presented the dissertation's
 context, purpose, motivation, and school of thought.  The
 preface was set in a personal tone but the introduction sets
 a more factual tone for a contribution to the knowledge
 about organization.  Organization can be viewed as teamwork
 and cooperation.
       Summary.  The subject of organization goes to the
 essence of the way individuals relate, that is, through
 inputs to organizations and outtakes from organizations.
 Since individuals are social beings, the study of ourself as
 a personal organization can provide a scientific entrance
 into the science of our socialness with others and with our
 self.  Theory W provides an umbrella for this more universal
 view of organization.
       The dissertation flow follows the traditional steps of
 literature review, method of experiment, case studies, and

       Organization importance
       Organization validity
       Theory W presentation
       Organization overview
       The challenge of research
       Next.  The review of literature results in exposing a
 body of theories about organization.  The construction of
 the experiment in pure functional structure comes about in
 part 2.  Parts 3 and 4 evidence actual experiments and case

 Theory W  page 109                             Introduction
 studies.  Part 5 concludes the dissertation.
 Organization importance
       An introduction appropiately addresses the items of
 importance and validity (60 24).  First we discuss the more
 personal and subjective item - importance.  Appendicies
 provide (1) a view of the general subject area, and (2)
 delimitation of the topic to the key word of organization.
       From distant history, organization provided the
 context for management (184 173).  In other words, the
 concept of organization came first in our early
 civilization.  Now, in modern times, most higher education
 programs focus on administration, and a lesser number of
 programs focus on management or organization.
       The roles within organization involve directors,
 managers, supervisors, superintendents, and other job
 titles.  All the role variations are encompassed by the
 "work of executives," the expert worker being their own
       In the early 1900s, there were millions of individuals
 engaged in the work of executives (4 289), yet the specific
 study of organization languished -

       Concerning certain technical aspects of the various
    fields in which they work there is literature and
    instruction; but concerning the instrumentality with
    which they work - organization - and the techniques
    appropiate to it, there is little.  (4 289)

       Since the early 1900s, the study of the

 Theory W  page 110                             Introduction
 instrumentality and appropiate techniques of organization
 have languished.  Today, organization still languishes as
 only one of the five functions of management - planning,
 organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling
 (125 viii,134-41) (Alday 11-2) (124 vii,11-3).
       Theory W sets out to provide a universal organization
 instrument and an appropiate technique of organization -
 making progress in "realizing the potential represented by
 the human resources" in any organization, including the
 individual as an organizaiton.
       We have not learned enough about the utilization of
    talent, about the creation of an organizational climate
    conducive to human growth.  The blunt fact is that we are
    a long way from realizing the potential represented by
    the human resources we now recruit into industry.  We
    have much to accomplish with respect to utilization
    before further improvements in selection will become
    important.  (174 vi)
       The better utilization scheme, if valid and reliable,
 holds importance for the effectiveness and productivity of

 any and all organizations.

       The theoretical assumptions management holds about
    controlling its human resources determine the whole
    character of the enterprise.  They determine also the
    quality of its successive generations of management.
    (174 vii)
       Short Theory W definition. The study of organizations
 divides into certain structures, for example, formal,
 informal, functional, matrix, and hybrid (125 ix,163-8)

 (126 xvi,547-9,566-8) (124 259-92).  The formal structure

 Theory W  page 111                             Introduction
 answers the question, "Who's the boss?"  The pure formal
 structure documents the chain of command authority.
       Theory W, as a pure functional structure, answers many
 questions, some of which follow.  Why does the worker work?
 What way actualizes the why?  Who does what work?  The pure
 functional Theory W structure documents the chain of
 functional authority.
       In the field of word play, Theory W actualizes the
 answers to many "one-worders."  Work?  What?  When?  Why?
 Way?  Win?  Who?  World?  Wisdom?  Worth?
       Theory W builds on Theory Y. Theory W, being a better

 utilization scheme, ties with Theory Y (126 94) (124 427).

       Theory Y: The integration of the individual and
    organization goals.  (174 45-57)
       Acceptance of Theory Y does not imply abdication, or
    "soft" management, or "permissiveness."  (174 56)
       Theory W facilitates Theory Y.  Theory W evidences a
 unique structure which can be viewed as evidence of the
 organization's strategy.  The literature calls for just such


       The strategy to be an application of
    Theory Y.  Its purpose is to encourage integration, to
    create a situation in which a subordinate can achieve his
    own goals best by directing his efforts toward the
    objectives of the enterprise.  It is a deliberate attempt
    to link improvement in managerial competence with the
    satisfaction of higher-level ego and self-actualization
    needs.  It is thus a special and not at all a typical
    case of the conventional conception of management by
    objectives.  This strategy includes four steps or phases:

 Theory W  page 112                             Introduction

    (1) the clarification of the broad requirements of the
    job, (2) the establishment of specific "targets" for a
    limited time period, (3) the management process during
    the target period, and (4) appraisal of the results.
    (174 61-2)
       Theory W provides explicit evidence of the strategy
 process - the long-term implementation reward of being a

 dynamic entity versus being "cumbersome and lethargic."

       Experience has shown that...the organization planning
    [which] goes no further than to solve the problem
    curently at hand....will speedily become so cumbersome
    and lethargic as to lose much of its effectiveness.
    (179 vii)
       Then the ultimate statement of importance - "The law
 of the survival of the fittest is...inescapable.(178 vi)"

       In summary and conclusion -

       The primary responsibilities of top management are to
    provide:  Farsighted planning and clarification...  A
    sound plan of organization...  Fully qualified
    personnel...  Effective means of control...  (175 3)
       Admittedly an organization's structure, plan, and
    concept are basic to its effectiveness, yet beyond these
    the greatest single variable lies with the behavior of
    the management team.  Its members must act as leaders.
    They must accomplish their objectives through their
    ability to guide, motivate, and integrate the efforts of
    others.  (176 v)
       The leading Theory W contribution evidences "an
 organization's structure, plan, and concept."  The Theory W
 pure functional organization structure differentiates from,
 yet integrates with, the formal and informal structures.
 All workers are qualified by the overall functional
 organization structure through the process of control.
       Theory W goes beyond style. The Theory W evidence of

 Theory W  page 113                             Introduction
 the pure functional organizaiton structure provides a tool
 for the leader to use.  If managers use functional

 organization tools, they are, in a sense, leaders.19

       The ultimate purpose of studies of managerial style is
    to aid in the training and development of those who would
    become better leaders.  (180 vi)

       Theory W exposes a pure functional style structure for
 all organizations, and raises the individual to the case
 level of applied pure functional organization.  The
 organization individuals, specifically through the
 accomplishment of their work tasks, provide the

 organization's "total complex of forces."

       The goal is to solve human problems of production
    where they originate - among those who work together -
    regardless of level.  If it can be accomplished, it
    insures continuing "grass roots" vitality, because men
    remain in control of their fate.  They have stakes in the
    outcome of their own efforts.  It is likely to be the
    best way, long term, to preserve the right to autonomous
    action.  Mature management demands a keen awareness of
    and an uncommon capability in dealing with the total
    complex of forces which constitutes the work culture

       19 BGSU, specifically Dr.Tack, builds a body of
 knowledge about style variables for the training of
 educational administrators.  This statistical knowledge
 differs from the theoretical model approach based on case
 study.  "The case study leaves too much room for personal
 bias," said the EDAS chair.  Yet the statistical survey also
 bases on cases - each survey respondent being a case.  The
 survey method permits a significant sample size and equal
 treatment of all cases - however, the survey instrument's
 contribution to the body of knowledge remains simplistic.
 For example, the complexity of a Theory W in this author's
 eyes, cannot be reduced to a survey instrument.  See future
 chapter for information into the the low reliability of
 survey instruments.

 Theory W  page 114                             Introduction

    of...[any]...organization.  (176 ix)

       Theory W provides a specific context for each
 individual within the pure functional structure.  Worked to
 the optimum, the pure functional organization structure
 removes "arbitrary political decisions" from the formal
 organization structure - the formal positions must focus on

 attaining the integrated work-tasks of the organization.

       Improvements in individual managerial competence are
    almost inevitable when men understand more fully how to
    utilize themselves in getting work done with and through
    others.  Yet, only so much organization improvement is
    possible through individual management development.  To
    attain the fullest possible organization achievement
    requires educational steps beyond individual or team
    study - that is, organization development.  (176 255)
       [The first purpose of OD is] to eliminate common
    sense-based management assumptions and to replace them
    with systematic management concepts that increase
    individual involvement, commitment, and creativity
    towards sound problem-solving and production.  (176 255)
       Theory W provides an essential tool for organization
 development.  Organization development, however, has
 identified mainly with what Theory W views as the informal
 organization.  In differentiation, the pure functional
 organization, provides a strategic context within which the
 bulk of informal organization can be practiced - a sort of
 efficiency scheme within a transcendent scheme of
 organization effectiveness.  A transcendence scheme does not
 detract from the importance of organization development in
 the informal organization sense - the formal, informal, and
 pure functional structures can integrate.

 Theory W  page 115                             Introduction
       Literature confirms the narrower disposition of
 organization development.  Again, this does not discount any
 benefits which accrue from organization development work.
 On the contrary, Theory W connects vital self-administration
 work and evidentially connects the membership work tasks to
 the broader strategic purpose of the organization.

 Improvements are thus controlled.

       Concrete arrangements for executing agreed upon
    changes are implemented under a carefully designed
    execution and auditing program.  Organization development
    is self-administered by the organization membership,
    except for broad consultation regarding major issues of
    strategy and tactics.  (176 256)
       Theory W looks for the same reactions to a better

 working organization.  In terms of worker response -

       It's not so much we're working harder; it's we're
    working better.  We know more of what's going on so we
    have a bigger stake.  You can invest yourself more when
    you're in the know than when you're just a cog.
    (176 308)
       These workers are saying that there exists obvious

 purpose to THEIR organization.

       Primacy of organization purpose.

       Essential to the survival of organization is the
    willingness to cooperate, the ability to communicate, the
    existence and acceptance of purpose.  (4 viii)
       Cooperation must have something which deserves
 commitment.  Communication facilitates the cooperation.
 Both communication and cooperation are facilitated if the
 focus of purpose can be evidenced.  In simple terms,

 Theory W  page 116                             Introduction
 meaningful purpose provides essence to organization, and
 hence to administration, management, and the development of
 organization.  Thus the purpose of the organization becomes
 the apex of the pure functional organization structure -
 epotimized by the universal question, "Why?"
       Any organization, including the individual as an
 organization, should answer why it exists.  Both the
 effectiveness and efficiency of the organization are at
 stake.  Any long-term improvements must tie to the
 organization purpose.
       Although the "Why" of organization provides a
 simplistic focus, the pure functional organization structure
 of the answer provides a challenge of complex proportions -
 thus Theory W sets out to evidence and manage those
       Young pre-school children practice pure functionalism
 - they simply ask "Why?"  Parents, as the executives of the
 family organization, many times, have difficulty answering.
 Those same parents, as executives of other organizations,
 have difficulty answering their worker why-questions.  And
 the solution cannot be the supression of the why-question in
 our workers.
       Many education systems, however, supress the
 why-question - student-workers who will become our future
 job-workers must not be permitted to lose their skill of

 Theory W  page 117                             Introduction
 asking "Why?"  Teacher-facilitators and manager-facilitators
 face the challenge of returning to the why-question.
       The why and the way. Theory W thus begins with the
 simple yet powerful observation of the "why" question.  The
 "why" approach can be seen as universal and the topic of
 organization can be seen to monopolize the "why" guestion.
 In other words, any time you hear the "why" question you are
 within the realm of organization, yet the "why" does not
 fully explain organization.
       Beyond the "why", organization deals with the "way" to
 the "why".  Thus Theory W more broadly consists, in simple
 terms, of why-way questions and answers.
       The above argues the importance of the organization
 topic and proposes Theory W as a tool for the improvement of
 organizations on a grand scale.  Such illusion (or
 delusion), and the proof of same lies within the realm of
 validity - "Is Theory W a valid organization tool?"
 Organization validity
       Is Theory W valid as a why-way approach to
       World wisdom. Appendix B argues that world wisdom
 exists, and appendix A definitively investigates
 organization's part in world wisdom.  Appendix C delimits
 the topic of organization.  Thus a valid phenomenon called
 organization does exist.

 Theory W  page 118                             Introduction
       Synopsis of appendix C. The key words of
 administration, industrial management, education
 administration, university and college administration,
 management, and management science, all give way to the word
 organization, with the term matrix organization being of
 most interest.  Thus, within world literature, the
 phenomenon of organization can be judged to be valid.
       Why-way organization validity. For those who
 recognize the primacy of the young child's why-way
 curiosity, the validity of Theory W could be willingly and
 easily taken as valid.  Yet for those who knowingly or
 unknowingly suppress the why-way natural human curiosity,
 Theory W may be willed not valid for a number of reasons.

 Regardless of pre-judgement, this dissertation proceeds to
 structure a theory called W.
       Good reason associates with the way an organization
 implements, whereas the purpose of an organization reaches
 toward a philosophy statement.  Such a statement can be
 visualized as an annual business report mission statement or
 a college catalog mission statement.  Theory W encompasses
 both the why and the way of an organization - a practical
       An individual case study. A series of tables in the
 preface, portray hundreds of experiences with organizations,
 any one of which, can trigger a why-way curiosity.  But

 Theory W  page 119                             Introduction
 curiosity, left as such, remains just a curiosity - nothing
 really serious nor scholarly.  How then does a curious
 individual use scholarship to create, perhaps, a new theory
 of organization?
       Scholastic practice. Most people do not write thus
 daily scholarship in written form remains illusive.  Yet the
 curious mind still observes data and thinks about the data.
 And that data usually comes from case experience, not survey
 instrument data.  Each individual has, as their closest
 scholastic case experience, their own organization and their
 job or family organization as ready-made examples of
 case-study potential.
       Individual organization. Psychology gives general
 insight into individual organization.  The chapters of
 acknowledgement and preface give specific insight into the
 author's individual organization.  Valid case studies can be
 evidenced and there remains potential for a unifying theory
 of pure functional organization.
 Theory W presentation
       The presentation of this dissertation follows accepted

 Theory W  page 120                             Introduction
 Table 12 - Plan of Theory W presentation
 Part 1 - Theories of organization
 Part 2 - Universal essence of Theory W
 Part 3 - The individual as an oganization
 Part 4 - Multi-individual organization cases
 Part 5 - FIRO-B testing of Theory W
          Works cited
 Note: See Brief Contents of summation chapter.

       Purpose from the preface. The hierarchy of purposes

 shown in preface table 8 are delimited to the following -

 Table 13 - Purposes of this paper
 quantify   administration strategy
 document   individual     experience
 document   education      experience
 document   business       experience
 research   organization   structures
 document   scholarly      process
 research   writing        wisdom
 Note: Reduced from preface table 8.
       A hierarchy implies that implementations at the bottom
 support the upper purposes.  Thus the order of the purposes
 presented in the above table differs from the order
 presented in the preface chapter.
       Research writing wisdom. The bibliography of appendix
 B evidences the research of writing wisdom.  Note that
 several bibliographies are partitioned throughout this

 Theory W  page 121                             Introduction
 dissertation so as to provide continuity of the separate
 topics yet permit the integration of supportive topics.
       Although this dissertation was succintly delimited in
 appendix A, the statement of Theory W as a universal theory
 encompasses many separate topics which deserve distinction.
 Thus, for example, the bibliography on writing appears in
 its appendix rather than in the main dissertation
       Document scholarly process. Before a dissertation
 takes written form, a statement of "style" requires
 evidence.  The elementary view would simply use the
 recommended style.  In the case of Kensington - Turabian.
 In the case of Bowling Green State - Turabian or American
 Psychological Association at the choice of the student.  See
 appendix B.
       APA assists publication in psychological journals,
 while Turabian assists as a typing manual.  Both assisted
 the writing of this dissertation, but were only two of the
 sources used to develop a personal writing style which
 integrates electronic writing (not just electronic typing).
 Other style variants were discussed in the preface and are
 more fully detailed in appendix B.
 Organization overview
       Dissertations traditionally begin with a discussion of
 past and current literature and part 1 takes on that

 Theory W  page 122                             Introduction
 function.  In this dissertation's specific purposes, part 1
 researches organization structures.
       Research organization structures. The four chapters
 of part 1 move from the ageless concept of the organization,
 on through an enumeration of various theories and scholars
 of organization structure in both industry (HD28-HD70) and
 education,20 and to the purpose of science as it relates
 to organization.  The matrix organization structure (HD58.5)
 represents the body of knowledge to which Theory W
       Part 1 continues with a review of organization
 structure authors, and a review of structure science
 (T55.4-T57.97), attempting to distinguish between various
 schools of thought.  Then recognizing the prominence of
 identifying the scientific variables of organization
 structure, propositions about those variables are presented
 and discussed.  Ultimately, the variables and propositions
 of a pure functional organization structure are concluded.

       Functional organization uses work of individuals thus

    20This dissertation relies on the literature recognized
 by the Bowling Green State University School of Education,
 specifically personal study within the Higher Education
 Administration PhD program, and more specifically the course
 EDAS 701 - Administrative theories.  The course literature
 of 50 titles fulfills a literature review of the LB2801-
 LB2997 and LB3011-LB3095 series - see the results of topic
 delimitation in appendix C.


 Theory W  page 123                             Introduction
 discussion about the concept of work ensues.  In short, work
 encompasses both mental and physical varities, only human
 individuals do or are responsible for organization work, and
 the responsible individuals are within the formal
 organization facet.  Finally, the four facets of the Theory
 W organization structure are presented, setting the stage
 for presentation of the case studies.  Those case studies
 are employer oriented (part 2), and individual oriented
 (part 3).

 The challenge of research

        The research process has been described as the most
    significant development in social behavior since the
    invention of representative government.  Research is a
    social process, and a continuing probe of one's positions
    with respect to the research and implementation
    issues....our ultimate objective is to encourage
    researchers to make bold research contributions to
    tangible problems.  Bold as opposed to timid, cautious,
    or safe.  Research as opposed to speculation.
    Contribution as opposed to disservice or detriment.
    Tangible instead of tenuous, and problem instead of
    minutium.  (267 16)
        The researcher must be concerned about the motivation
    of the client or research subjects to provide valid data
    and to act on the conclusions of the research.  The
    conflict between rigor and client motivation represents a
    major dilemma to be managed by the researcher.  (267 61)
       Research for implementation is far more likely to be
    successful if it accounts for the environment or if it
    anticipates the environment, including environmental
    factors external to or beyond the control of either the
    researcher or the organization.  It is often useful to
    design research in some kind of contemporary frame - to
    introduce a notion of urgency or importance - otherwise
    there is little incentive for others to contribute to or
    support this research.  (267 97)
       If productivity and innovation are ignored as issues,
    the following results are likely: creativity will not
    sustain itself because it requires direction and


 Theory W  page 124                             Introduction

    management; productivity will not be sustained without
    new ideas; growth will not be possible because innovation
    is absent; and without a climate for innovation,
    outstanding people will leave, mediocre ones will remain,
    and another motivational incentive will be lost.
    (267 98)
       Researchers who show an awareness of such
    environmental issues and their implications are more
    likely to be working within the reality system of a
    client organization.  Importantly, recognition of these
    issues will enhance the researcher's credibility and his
    or her ability to obtain more organization interest in
    prospective research.  A researcher must be able to show
    a relationship between relevant issues and proposed
    research objectives.  Generally, innovative researchers
    usually start with a problem and have something of a
    vision or "mind picture" of what might solve the problem.
    They see the whole thing at once.  Naturally, not all the
    details are worked out and that requires subsequent work,
    but the solution is often there from the beginning.
    These researchers often go from problem to solution
    without going through all the logical-deductive thinking
    normally associated with the scientific method.  In fact
    they usually do not follow the scientific method
    initially.  Scientific method is followed only to test
    their assumptions and to put some meat on the bones of
    their original idea.  What those researchers tend not) to
    do is to follow the scientific method and do theory
    testing in hopes of coming up with a solution to a
    problem bit by bit and piece by piece.  (267 98-99)
       After their initial hunch, the next most common
    characteristic of these researchers is their persistence.
    Basically they look for reinforcement.  Another way to
    look at it is that successful innovators create
    self-fufilling prophecies.  The reality is, however, that
    prophecies do not fulfill themselves - they require a
    good deal of persuading and selling.  (267 99)
       Almost 100 years ago, Fayol stressed the notion that
    managers, as administrators, spend considerable time
    organizing, planning, administering, and controlling the
    work of others.  A number of recent analyses of
    managerial behavior show some startling changes.
    Beginning with the seminal work of Mintzberg (1973), a
    number of studies (mcCall 1978; Kotter 1982) have shown
    that the modern manager's world is characterized by a
    fragmented workday, with little time for thinking and
    planning.  Sayles (1980,p.25).
       The managerial workday consists of a never-ending
    series of contacts with people - talking, listening,


 Theory W  page 125                             Introduction

    telephoning, argueing, and negotiating.  A first line
    supervisor may have hundreds of contacts in a day, many
    lasting less than a minute; while a slower-paced chief
    executive may have 20 or 30.  Even at that imposing
    level, most managerial activities last less than 10
    minutes.  Two European studies found that it was unusual
    for even chief executives to work on any one thing for as
    long as a half hour.  (267 115)
       The challenge of implementation. This writer has
 traversed into a higher educational setting from a business
 background.  The word traverse is thought to be appropiate
 since the general higher educational setting is opposed to
 promptly transferring business practices to itself.21
 Higher education administrative styles, for example, have
 roughly followed those of industry over the years, but with
 a delay period of several decades (Hodfkinson 1971 p.2).
 And overall; "The matter of transferring business practices
 to higher education is a touchy topic.(268 133)" Yet the
 writer desires to adapt business experience to the higher
 educational setting.  His specific areas of interest are
 work, productivity, time management, and informal

 Quantify administration strategy

       Chapter 5 integrates the concept of strategy into a

       21 Although the author was accepted into a higher
 education administration PhD program with Dr.York as
 temporary advisor, York, in teaching EDAS 701 Administrative
 Theories, explained in detail using board diagrams, that
 there was no outside entry into an education career.


 Theory W  page 126                             Introduction
 pyramidal visualization of formal, informal, pure
 functional, and technology.  Then chapter 9 presents the
 universal structure of Theory W as strategy.  And part 5
 offers a procedure to measure the improvement in
 organization which results from enhancing the visibility of
 the pure functional total organization structure.

       Path analysis anology. (273 381)

    The formulation of a problem in a causal framework forces
    a degree of explicitness that is often absent in research
    reports that rely solely on regression or factor
    analysis.  One draws these arrows on the basis of what
    one knows a priori, or theoretically, about the subject
    matter under investigation.  (273 383)
       Next.  The foregoing goodly number of pages have set
 forth a philosophic context in the Acknowledgements, a
 real-event context in the Preface, and a set of purposeful
 objectives in the Introduction.
       Now the dissertation moves to the first chapters of
 part 1, a literature review of the appendix A topic
 delimitation of Organization.  Then part 1 continues with
 the development of a pure functional organization structure
 distinct from the informal and formal organization
 structures.  This dissertation sees the formal organization
 structure as encompassing the traditional formal-functional
 structure and the more recent matrix organization structure.

 Theory W  page 127
 Part 1 - Theories of organization
       Chapter 1 - Industrial administrative history
               2 - Educational administrative history
               3 - Organization science and its scholars
               4 - Organization structures
       Review.  This dissertation's acknowledgement, preface,
 and introduction sections have exemplified the movement of
 organizational thought from the general broad perspective to
 the specific supporting detail - in other words, from the
 top vision, down to the actualization of work tasks.22
 Thus we have "lofty" wisdom directing "lowly" work.  But
 however "low" we think the work to be, the combination of
 mental and physical work still provide the essence of

       Theory W uses the thought process which moves from
 "top" philosophic wisdom to the completion of work tasks for
 the facilitation of the chosen life-state of individual
 self-actualization.  That "top-down" thought process can be
 viewed as a definition of strategy - a process capable of
 releasing much creativity, leadership, and synergistic
 potential for any and all organizations.  But, for strategic
 thought to be credible, that mental process of strategy
 needs documentation.  Thus Theory W provides a definitive

 view of the strategic process - a pure functional structure

       22 Follow the development of tables in
 acknowledgement and preface sections.

 Theory W  page 128                               Theories
 of the organization.
       A specific example of this Theory W "top-down"
 approach to organization structure carries the heading of
       As first evidence of the prominence of mission,
 mission statements regularly appear in annual business
 reports - usually in a foremost position.
       As second evidence, the mission statement of a typical
 college catalog usually appears within the first several
       Thus Theory W begins with the mission as representing
 the top functional position of the organization.  This top
 functional position of mission contrasts with the top formal
 organization position of president or chair of the board of

 Figure 6 - Formal versus functional organization
        Formal organization   Functional organization
        ___________________   _______________________
              -------                 -------
 Top         / Board \               /       \
 spot       /  chair  \             / Mission \
           /    or     \           /           \
          /  President  \         /             \
         /               \       /   Theory  W   \

       Mission. In the acknowledgement section, a philosophy
 of human basics was set forth as a hierarchy.  That

 Theory W  page 129                                  Theories
 hierarchy proceeded from the top down, that is, growth,
 challenge, relatedness, time and encouragement, respect, and
 existence (see acknowledgement table).  Thus growth can be
 placed as the mission of an individual's life

       Goals. In the preface section, specifically in a
 table, the higher aims of this dissertation were evidenced.
 Those higher aims, in top down order, were good feeling,
 eustress, authorship, and the doctorate - these are major
 objectives if you will.  Those major objectives detail the
 support given to the organization mission and lead the way
 to the detail of the more specific measurable objectives.
       In the front part of this dissertation, tables
 demonstrated the top-down flow of tasks which supported the
 higher aims and more general philosophy of the
 acknowledgement and preface parts of the dissertation - this
 was another example of top-down functional organization

       Thus a pattern appears - the top mission provides the

       23 The author's career decisions, shown in preface
 tables, may be explained by this growth mission.  The
 actualization of the growth mission comes through challenge,
 relatedness, etc - see acknowledgement table.
       Theory W applies to individuals as organizations
 (expert workers) as well as applying to groups of
 individuals.  Thus Theory W claims to be a more universal
 theory of organization.

 Theory W  page 130                                  Theories
 authority for a cascade of goals, objectives, and task
 implementations.  Theory W views this top-down waterfall as
 the process of strategy.  Now a hypothesis can be formed.
       If a particular organization's waterfall of work tasks
 can be easily traced to the top mission statement, the
 validity and reliability of the pure functional organization
 structure can be said to exist.  In other words, you can
 understand the pure functional organization structure by
 reading its database and you can retrace its dynamics over

 and over again.24
       Objectives. Goals were characterized as detailing the
 mission philosophy - the goals, in turn, then need the
 support of measurable objectives.  Thus objectives are
 characterized by definite measurement.  In Theory W, yes or
 no provides the main measure of objective performance.  For
 example, a preface table provides a set of objectives,
 including "research organization structures."  And in this
 particular part of the dissertation, a literature review
 evidences identifiable theories of organization.  Thus this
 dissertation part claims an affirmative performance

 evaluation when matched against the specific preface table

       24 An organization structure able to generate job
 descriptions for a large number of members becomes very
 complex and thus requires the maintenance of a flexible yet
 rigorous hierarchy.  Theory W provides that hierarchy
 through a precedence network database.

 Theory W  page 131                                  Theories
 objective of "research organization structures."  Subsequent

 parts of the dissertation address other table tasks.
 Figure 7 - A performance evaluation example
 Verb       Descriptor     Noun          From       Who  Done
 __________ ______________ _____________ ______     ____ ____
 research   organization   structures    part 1     otto noa
 develop    writing        style         appendix B otto yes
 delimit    dissertation   topic         appendix A otto yesb
 delimit    dissertation   topic         appendix C otto yesb
 Note: a  Completed in subsequent pages.
       b  Subject to Kensington University authority.
       As a detailed example of supporting objectives,
 appendix B documents a project which researchs and writes
 about the topic of writing.  Appendix B provides a rigorous
 beginning in developing the author's writing style.  That
 style projects a top-down organization hierarchy as shown in
 the tables of appendix B.
      In appendix A, the dissertation proposal, the
 delimitation of the literature search proceeds from the top,
 and more general, key words of administration and
 organization.  That search or research again exemplifies the
 top-down process of functional organization hierarchy.
       Implementation. Affirmative performance implies
 implementation.  Thus this part proceeds to implement
 several tasks.  The universal form of action-verb and noun
 rigorously describes any functional task activity.  Using

 Theory W  page 132                                  Theories
 the action-verb and noun form, this part 1 -

    1- interprets the history of organization from both the
    industrial and educational views,
    2- illustrates many organization structures,
    3- reviews the body of organization scholars, and
    4- comments on the application of science to organization
       Summary.  Four structures of organization are apparent
 from literature review - formal, informal, functional, and
 the foundation of technology.  All of these organization
 structures experience contingent use when administering to
 the individuals of an organization.  The aim of
 administering can be seen as the facilitation of creativity,
 leadership, and synergism.  In support of administration's
 aim, Theory W portrays the four structures of organization
 as a three-sided pyramid.
       Next.  In part 2, starting with chapter 5, the
 three-sided pyramid of organization establishes a universal
 context for organization.  Then the dissertation leaves the
 formal, informal, and technology facets and proceeds to
 present functional organization theory propositions and a
 hypothesis.  Part 3 applies the hypothesis to
 individual-person case studies.  Part 4 applies the
 hypothesis to multi-individual (employer) case studies.
 Part 5 provides a testing instrument for a pre- and
 post-test experiment which installs a structure of pure

 Theory W  page 133                                  Theories
 functionalism.  The measurement should reveal an increase in
 creativity, leadership, synergism, and productivity in
 FIRO-B units.  In conclusion, issues of reliability,
 validity, and general scientific criteria are addressed and
