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Renée (in Her Verbose Nutshell)

This is Andy's yucky picture of me with food in my mouth (that's tofu pot pie, by the way...and it was nummy!). He still has to put it on the band website. I promise to get a better one soon, for all our sakes! Hehe...

<3 Name: Renée Marie
<3 Age: 16 (birthday = September 8, send balloons or something.)
<3 Blondeish hair, hazelish eyes
<3 Taller (5'9") than most of my friends and my mom, which I used to hate, but now think comes in pretty handy.
<3 Family: Mom, Dad, 13-year-old brother...all as cool as is possible for a family, I suppose. :o)
<3 Friends: check out the 'friends' link, foo'.
<3 I am currently: awaiting the start of junior year with a mixture of joy and trepidation, taking driver ed till August 9, and reading shitloads of boring summer reading books.
<3 My favorite subjects: science (bio/physics/chem and fire/whatever), math (OMER!!!), and english (angsty poetry and confusing essays hehe).
<3 Least favorite subject (ironic, since I speak it almost fluently): French. Gym at my school is also fairly pointless, and health class. Except when the teacher put a condom over her head.
<3 Biggest fears: failure, rejection, auditions, and mullets.
<3 Would sell soul to the Devil for: horse(s) and a place to keep it/them in, a custom (Conn or Yamaha) double nickel-plated horn with screw-off bell and flower-engraved valve caps, a navel ring, and Fischer RCS skatecut x-c skis with Infinity Carbon poles...*drools*
<3 Childhood pets: Rufus, an orange cat who lived to age 19, multiple gold- and fighter-fish, and 3 rats (who make wonderful companions, by the way). The link isn't my website, but it has some adorable photos!
<3 More interesting childhood pets included a bucket of periwinkles, worms, and (briefly) a mosquito.
<3 Current pets: Mo, a Maine Coon cat, and Rosie, a calico, both animal shelter rescuees. Also Grover, a red-eared slider turtle, Salty, the coolest she-snail ever, and Freddy, my newly adopted fighter fish (rescued from biology class!).

<3 Religion: baptized, brought up, and confirmed as a Protestant Congregationalist, currently still in the process of working out beliefs. Call me a seeker if you want.
<3 Drugs of choice: horseback riding, band, soccer, running, reading, writing (especially crappy poetry and confounding essays), hiking/backpacking, kayaking, XC SKIING, swimming, being outside, working in my garden, watching movies, cooking and baking yummy-wacky-vegetarian food, hanging around with friends, generally being up-to-no-good!
<3 Nice boy: Is hiding.
<3 Favorite foods: chocolate (yes, it's a food group) and anything with lots of garlic (yes, garlic is smelly)
<3 Unusual fascinations include the supernatural, Annie Nelson (the first person to go over Niagara Falls and survive: a woman, no less! Girl power,, pathology, psychology, and animal behavior/psychology

<3 Dreams of being a/n: member of the US Olympic Event team and/or Nordic Ski/biathlon team, professional horn player, toxicologist, forensic pathologist, quantum physicist, anesthesiologist, famous writer/poet, theoretical physicist, equine vet, panhandler, French whore(?)

<3 Instruments: French horn (that's me on the right, chillen w/my fellow Youth Orchestra horns and rehearsing a bit of the Howard Hanson Romantic Symphony), jazz trombone, singing occasionally. Also a teeny bit of clarinet and trumpet.

<3 Strange, random, yet very interesting facts about my life: I once had carbon monoxide poisoning along with the rest of my family. When I was four, I got 40 splinters in my leg and still have a cool triangle-shaped scar. Most of my other scars come from horses, bug bites, and blisters from running etc.