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...and Dislikes

Well, here they are: my pet peeves, all fifty million of 'em ;o)

people in front of you on the highway that throw trash out the window into your windshield
people who throw cigarette butts out the window at stoplights
posers/people who aren't true to themselves for fear of what others will think
kids being disrespectful to teachers and the teachers doing nothing about it
getting up, waking up, taking a shower, getting dressed and all ready for school, then finding out it's cancelled and not being able to go back to sleep
The smell of burned food on the stove
That time in the school year right around May or so when teachers realize they don't have enough grades and start piling on the work
Skiing almost all the way up a HUGE, icy hill, then sliding all the way back down backwards
Guys who break up with you for no reason (or who won't tell you the reason)
Guys who are rude to their mothers (if he ever uses the b-word to describe her, don't go out with him...)
Guys and girls who take their significant other for granted and treat them poorly
Getting a horse all brushed and clean, leaving him in the stall for a minute to go get something, then coming back and finding him covered with shavings
Or, even worse, putting in tons of elbow grease getting your horse squeaky clean after a hard workout...then turning him out and watching him roll in the mud.
The kicker-falling off a horse
Having a huge horn solo I've practiced and practiced and can play perfectly, then royally screwing it up in concert
Baaaaand caaaaaamp...
People who whisper in each others' ears while looking at other people (even if they're talking about something totally benign, you have no way of knowing)
People who adopt a constant emotion for no reason (ie always angry, or sad, or doesn't seem real to me)
Basketball. I really don't see the point
Ditto with Nascar and monster trucks, and those little roller skate sneakers
When people take their baby to get its ears pierced. Wait until they get older; maybe they won't even WANT it...
People having children that have absolutely no business doing so
Minivans...I don't know why. They just piss me off.
The fact that nearly every person at our school who is popular drinks like a's sad to see
The frizzies on a hot day after you've spent a while doing your hair
People who badmouth lifestyle choices, ie diet, religion, clothing, etc
Fundies who aren't nice about it
The saxophone...except for jazz, where it's lovely, the sound really grates on me.