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A Horse, A Horse, My Kingdom for a Horse!

I ride at New Boston Livery in New Boston, NH. I've been there for 4 or 5 years with my trainer Betsy. Although the atmosphere is fairly informal (usually just a hunter pace, small schooling event, and student show each year, plus lessons of course), we all learn a lot about the finer points of riding and horsekeeping, and have a great time while doing it! Betsy's horses are all older as far as equines go (ranging in age from late teens to anywhere in their twenties), but they're still full of spunk! We ride, jump, and everything else with no problem whatsoever. Here are some of my favorite pix from lessons... :o)

Chilling with Cory the Morgan, one of the newer additions to the barn along with his friend Shadow, a Quarter Horse.

"Hey, you up there, yeah, you...stop yer yammerin' and pay attention, here!"

A lesson with my buddy Charlie (I hadn't ridden him since the previous year when these photos were taken)

Summer lessons are the best, because we get to ride in the field out front instead of the dusty riding ring...

"You can do it, c'mon, just a little faster, Charlie..."

(A minute later)..."Sweet, Renée, I'm running so fast we're lapping everyone else! Aren't I a good horsie?" :o)

More pictures, please!