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These Are a Few of My Fa-vor-ite Things...

7-11 Coffee Freezie Thingies
Horses, especially Friesians, Warmbloods, Paints, and Morgans
xc skiing!!!
freshly fallen/falling snow
Trying new things (like rowing crew this fall!)
Hanging out with my wonderfully twisted and diverse group of friends
Playing in orchestra...the conductors don't know enough about winds to bother us with any corrections lol
Going to a totally campy, cruddy movie on a hot summer's day, sitting in the air-conditioned theater, knowing I've wasted my money, eating junk food...ahh :o)
Going to France to visit my family
Getting a really good, hard who challenges you but is so funny and such a great person that you don't even care
Staying up really late talking about everything with close friends
Cruising around on Friday night, doing nothing useful with the crew...
Marching season. It's band bonding time.
Concert season. This is where play real music lol...
K, maybe I should just combine it into in general! :o)
One more band one, then I promise I'll shut up: going in early to the bandroom and hanging out with everyone/getting energized for the day
Looking out the car window at night, listening to Dave and knowing it's all good... :o)
The return of feeling good about yourself that comes with getting over sad things
Comforting friends -- I owe it to them, after all, they're always there for me!
Going deep into the cold water of a lake and looking up at the sun shining, spinning around, feeling weightless...
Hanging out at the barn: horses are so beautiful, calming, and comforting to be around
Floating down a river (but not hitting rocks...owie!)
Writing strange essays that confuse and annoy English teachers!
Bertucci's Aglio Olio...num num
Sushi!!! (Hey, Andy: "Wassssaaaabiiii???")
Pink Mentos *num num*
Playing Nanosaur in the Little Green office :oD
Coffee or strawberry coolatta or an iced coffee with milk and an everything bagel with veggie cream cheese...ahh. I love you, Dunkin' Donuts!!!
Colourful British terminology and spelling
British phone booths
Collapse, Gutterball, Photo Safari, and the figure skating game.
Sleeping on the Pasteup couches
The Sims
Driver ed...wait. Just kidding!
Making creative jewelry from Dollar Store reject beads
Setting things on fire(!)
David Matthews
My feeshies
Whose Line