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Off to the Movies...(More Like the Rental Store hehe)

I like a real variety of movies...basically, anything goes (except porn, as I explained to friends at the video store lol): drama, horror, comedy, romance, whatever. Here are some of my favorites:

Sweet November: TEARJERKER with Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron. This is, without a doubt, one of the saddest movies I've ever seen...I cried! Still, I recommend it highly.

Pay It Forward: I rarely cry over movies, but this one (with Helen Hunt, Kevin Spacey, and Haley Joel Osmont) had me really close. The basic plot is that a little boy, acting on an assignment from his 7th-grade social studies teacher, comes up with a plan to better the world. However, this movie is so much more than that. I highly, highly recommend it. A top-three-er, definitely.

The Red Violin: hands down, one of the best films I have ever seen. If you haven't already, rent it! It defies description. Really.

The Graduate: classic campy affair movie...

The Rocky Horror Picture Show: campy, again. It doesn't get any campier than this. A cult classic.

The Dead Poets' Society: I absolutely fell in love with this movie, and I love anything Robin Williams anyway...

Patch Adams: another great Robin Williams flick, serious and funny all at the same time.

The Craft: Campy 80's movie, but with a good message (don't mess around with power when you don't know what you're getting into).

Mr. Holland's Opus: a must for any music lover. I don't cry easily, but this movie had a few tears running down my cheeks by the end.

The Cell: hands-down the most f*cked-up of the group, but very well done, or so I thought. It's very disturbing, especially the way it portrays women, but if you can handle it, well worth seeing.

The Black Stallion: classic horse movie. What can I say? :o)

National Velvet: another classic horse movie...

Sabrina: Audrey Hepburn is a goddess! Another classic.

American Beauty: amazing. Freaking amazing. This is one of my alltime favorites, dark but funny...don't miss it.

Hardball: A wonderful story about a chronic gambler (Keanu Reeves) who ends up coaching an inner-city boys' baseball team and learns something about himself in the process.

Girl, Interrupted: Not just a chick flick! Winona Ryder is mistakenly placed in a mental hospital for a year, with Angelina Jolie as the wacky, uninhibited leader of the patients.

The Crucible: Arthur Miller's play is wonderful, (the book is also wonderful)...good historical background on the Salem Witch trials.