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The Animals Came Two By Two...(Into Renée's Household!)

I'd like to introduce you to my...

Feline friends:
Mo: Our handsome, fuzzy Maine Coon-type cat, rescued from the Manchester Animal shelter two years ago along with his 'sister,' Rosie (both are indoor cats). Mo is 2 or 3, no one can tell for sure. He's a sweet, affectionate cat...sometimes. But when his huge eyes get especially wild-looking, watch out! Mo's hobbies include climbing the door frames, annoying Rosie, refusing to eat, 'chirping' at us as Maine Coons will often do, playing with his catnip scratching post, watching birdies out the window, and enjoying the morning sun.

Rosie: Our lovely (and she knows it!) calico cat with gold-green eyes. We think Rosie may have been mistreated by someone earlier in her life, as she was extremely skittish when we first brought her home. For the first week, she hid behind the washing machine, and only came out to eat when we weren't around! Since then, she's grown by leaps and bounds, and will now approach us for a cuddle. She will even allow visitors to pet her now (she especially likes Kelsey and Andy!). Among Rosie's interests are: shedding white hairs off her lovely double coat, eating, cuddling, shredding up the newspaper when no one is looking, lying on the newspaper while someone is reading it, eating more, grooming herself, sleeping in unusual positions (yoga), watching the birds, stealing Mo's food, and (occasionally) curling up for a nap with her twerpy little brother.

Betta buddies:
Freddy: This past year, there were two fish tanks in my biology class, one full of goldfish, and the other full of Freddy (renamed at Kelsey's suggestion, he was originally called Francis). At the end of the school year, perhaps as a result of my frequent visits to Mrs. Elwood, my teacher, after school, Freddy's owner, another bio teacher called Mrs. Heath, offered him to me. Freddy is a huge, fiery red Betta (fighter fish), and the first one I've had that's stayed healthy for a considerable period of time! He lives in a ten-gallon tank complete with filter, natural-colored tumbled river rocks, and even a plastic bonsai tree. His favorite foods are bloodworms, brine shrimp, and his special Betta food.
Jester: Jester is the coolest party favor I have ever received. At Sarah's suprise birthday party in June, every partygoer received a handsome fighter fish in a big wineglass, and a salt shaker full of food. What an excellent idea! Unfortunately, Jester couldn't live with Freddy in the big tank because, well...they'd kill each other. So, off to Wal-Mart. I came home with a cool kit to make a home for Jester under a plant - see the pic? He seems pretty happy in his new home on my nightstand. Jester's name comes from his unusual coloration that reminded me of a medieval costume: his body is iridescent purple/blue/silver, and his fins are a stripy metallic reddish silver. His favorite foods are the same as Freddy's, since that's all I feed them, alternating, of course, so no one gets bored. Both fish are extremely intelligent (much more so than goldfish, I think) and will come right to the top of the tank when I'm feeding them, and wait there afterwards. It's almost like a dog begging under the table!

Silly Snail:

Radical reptile: