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So What's New Here, Anyway?

8/10/02: Wanna know what I'm up to this week? Check out 'whazzup' to find out...

8/8/02: more likes and dislikes, check 'em out... :o)

8/3/02: Check it out - there are LOADS of new quotes and inside jokes on their respective pages.

7/28/02: Added new books, movies to my favorites pages, and redid the 'likes' page...

7/25/02: Check out the brand-new horsey pix of me and my equine friends doin' it up, Mr. Ed-style, on the 'horses rule' page. Special thanks to my daddy for taking such nice pictures! :o)

7/22/02: General fooling around and spiffing up, mostly boring stuff like bg's and color schemes. Funness. Can ya tell I'm damn bored? Check out the 3 new softball pix!

7/14/02: Made 'softball' page, to put up all the pix I took at the last game! More to come, of course. Also, I will put up a Bastille day party page w/yet more pix (including the infamous Kelsey-fire one) soon.

7/2/01: Happy July, all! Today I put up the 'monkey' page...but I don't have time to actually create it today. However, check back over the next few days to witness the growing shrine to those lovely stuffed monkeys that are such an integral part of Kelsey's and my life... :o) hehehe

6/26/02: Put up 'neo', a page for Neil C's new fishy that I helped him pick out! How exciting!!! Actually remembered to change my imood, haha.

6/23/02: Added 'whazzup' in an effort to check the inherent nosiness that runs rampant in our society. The rundown of important things going on in my life for the next week...because I'm mad cool. Not. Also messed around more with my sweet new picture album format that I totally don't know how to use. I'm working on it, stay tuned!!! :o)

6/22/02: Created the "What Women Want" page...primarily to be tongue-in-cheek, but also to help those poor lost souls out there who just don't understand females! ;o) Kelsey now has his lovely mug up on my general bio page. Also...changed ad skin and accompanying graphic (you like-ah me cool new butterflies? Jar-Jar wants to know!), not that anyone cares. Put up the last of the Omer quotes (snif, I'm gonna miss that guy!), and some other funny stuff in Inside Jokes. Finally, I've now devoted an entire page to my lovely soon as I un-lazy myself enough to take pictures of the others with the digi-cam. Soon, I promise...

6/21/02: ADDED TONS OF NEW QUOTES TO THE OMAH PAGE!!!! Everyone take a look... :o)

6/16/02: Every time I write something here, I feel like saying, "updated the updates page." Haha. So today I fixed up the first three or four pages, fixed fonts, backgrounds, colors, etc - happy colors! Added a few nifty new animated thingies and divider bars; pretty much just messed around with appearance again. I'll add content once the damn site is pretty. :op I'm going away for a few days, but be sure to check back soon! More good things are on theie way! :o)

6/14/02: Happy School-Being-Out! I messed around with my homepage font/layout/ad skin a bit more, but no one cares except me. :o) Also began complete overhaul of depressing, old, dark page backgrounds, and will continue to do this over the next few weeks, tweaking the colors and font and adding content. Check out my first efforts in 'who is this girl?'...Finally, I'm beginning to mess around with a KEWL-ass photo album program. Once I figure the bleeding thing out, it'll be mad cool. Check back soon, as always; now that school's out and I'm a total loser with nothing to do, I'll be doing this a lot! :o) <3 R

6/8/02: Added Updates page, updated homepage with new background, font, colors, introduction. You likey? :o)