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What We Mysterious Females Really Want

"The great question...which I have not been able to answer, despite my thirty years in research into the feminine soul, is 'What do women want?' " -Sigmund Freud

In my experience, the majority of females want something along the lines of the following...(and, since I heartily believe in gender equality, I think it's only fair if they return these courtesies).p>

1. When you say you'll call, call.
2. When you say you'll be there, be there.
3. When you say you love us/care about us immensely/like us/however you express it, TELL us (only if you really mean it, though). We know it's hard, but a nice girl will understand the sentiment, no matter how awkward you feel at expressing it! Also - ACT like it! We like to know you're still happy having us around.
4. ...or, if you really don't feel "that way," or have stopped feeling "that way," please be honest with us. That way we'll be able to get on with our lives instead of having you string us along.
5. "Don't lie, we know when you're lying, and that wont help you get in our pants!" -Krysie
6. Bring us flowers.
7. Drop by just to see us
8. If you think it's dorky and cheesy, she will probably think it's hopelessly romantic.
9. Take us places.
10. Hold our hand.
11. Hug us.
12. Listen. Trust us, we know when you're just pretending.
13. Say you're sorry when you need to.
14. And don't say it unless you mean it.
15. If we've had some great effect on your life, or are the best thing that ever happened to it, or whatever, say so!
16. Randomly showing up and suprising her isn't necessarily a bad thing. ;o)