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So, Renée, What Are You Up to Lately, Anyway?

Well, folks, here it is. I thought my buddies might be interested (and all casual observers, mildly so) to know what I'm doing when you're looking at this page. In case you're the stalker type and all! I'll probably do it by the week. This is mainly for my own amusement, and I'll never update it once school starts up again, but what the hey...

Highlight of the week: I GOT MY LICENSE YESTERDAY!!! November 7, I can drive clear the roads, baby.
Driver ed finished up yesterday also (obviously), and after going and getting my license, there was still Billy's b-day party to go to! It was mad fun, even though the volleyball nearly broke my finger off and it still hurts today... :o)
This coming week, starting the 14 (my brother's b-day), I have pasteup for the Little Green. Friday is Billy's 100 years of Broadway show, and next week = band camp. 3 weeks from today, school starts up again. WOW. Did this summer fly by, or what???