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What else can I say but thanks, Catanna!

I love the cute award! Many thanks to the Kitty Hotel.

AAww! Adorable! Thanks Misteazer!

Another cute award from the notorious Misteazer. Thanks a bunch!

What a beautiful award! Thanks, Jemima!

PRETTY! You can visit Misty's site in the LINKS section. Thank you Thank you Thank you!

This is from my best friend Hannah, who also runs a cats site that you can visit in the LINKS section. Thanks!

so cool! Thanks!

This was given to me by Jemima at Jemima's Jellicle Moon.

Thanks Coricomile!!!

I found Macavity at Jellicle Cats Come Out Tonight!

Pretty! Thanks to the crew at Forever Jellicle.

Thanks a ton, Shadow!

Thanks Roseopal!


Thank you so much!

THanks AGAIN, Future Jemima! ha ha ha.

Wow! Thanks Jemima 57!

Thanks Dee! I don't really understand why a Pollicle site would give me an award, but hey! It's an award, right?

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