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Feelin' Dreamy?

Ever had a dream you were Admetus? Macavity? Bombalurina? a POLLICLE? Well, there might be a reason? (duh.) EMAIL ME And tell me your whole dream, I'll post it on here with a possible explanation of the dream! Ready? Set? DREAM! Here's Our first 2 dreams! Sent in to me by Misteazer.


This one was me in chorus with all my friends and Jacob was teaching us! Wierd because I can't picture him as a vocal teacher! Anyway, I went up to talk to him...and as any love struck fan would do I couldn't think of anything to say! I said, " Um...Jacob? Can I talk to you?" He turned around and was ready to listen to me. That's when I couldn't say anything but just stare! I felt like such and idiot! He walked away so I tried again! This time I was able to speak! So we talked about him and how much his fans talk about him...and no he wasn't conceded! He was very flattered actually! *** Well you see, my dear, the explanation is quite simple. This happened in another Jellicle life of yours! The mooooments of happinessss...


Okay this was really wierd! I was in a dance troupe...which is wierd because I'm not in a dance troupe...and we were practicing in my bedroom! We came to the finale and I had to jump into Jacob Brent's arms! When I did he said: " Maybe we should do that again!" So, I jumped into his arms again and he said: " Yeah...that'll work!" *** MY HYPOTHESIS: Jacob had broken into your house by climbing in your window, and was standing by your bed trying to wake you up. You unconciously knew it was him, but didn't want to wake up because he was in your dreams and you thought the one in your dream was the real Jacob, and the one tapping you on the shoulder was a fake!


BY THE WAY- yes, the Molly in the story is me. Hannah's my best friend, and also runs a CATS site which you can visit in the links section. *DREAM SEQUENCE MUSIC*

Here's my dream. I'm in a band, and in my dream whenever it rained, I would turn into a cat, and whenever it was sunny, my friend Molly would turn into one. Molly is also in the band, and in my dream we were at band practice. We were in the middle of a song when it started to rain! Everyone started to run around and scream and when i looked down at myself, I was Sillabub! (I turned into a different Jellicle each time.) Molly was cmpletely calm and was trying to explain to everyone that it was completely normal, but everyone was running around screaming except the lead guitarist, who was rolling on the floor laughing. Suddenly it stopped raining, and everyone ran out the door followed by Molly, who had turned into Rum Tum Tugger. **** QUESTION- Are you sure it was a dream? ;-)


*BY THE WAY- THE RUMPLETEAZER IN THE DREAM WAS ME!* It was the most weird dream I had had in a long time. I was in a pet shop as Jemima with all my friends that were cats .We were being sold to a bunch of Canniballs and Giants. Well one by one we were being picked up and sold to the big guys and we were kinda araid, we were being sold alphabetical order. I was number 10 to be sold my best friend rumpleteaser were being sold and wee wouldn't be together anyomore well it was kinda sad because that was it I woke up after that. Kinda weird huh? oh well it's a jellicle dream! *** HERE'S WHAT I THINK: You ever sold a cat before? It's just showing you what he went through, how sad!