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We all have them.

I know I do,And I'm pretty sure you do, too.

Embarrassing Moments!

Here's where you can admit those embarrasing CATS moments you've had, or even daydreamed about having!

.::My first embarassing CATS moment::.

Me and my friend Hannah(also a CATS fanatic) were with my friend Emmalyn at a nearby health club, swimming. I don't remember what she said, but Emmalyn said something that immediatly started me and Hannah (aka Future Jemima to some of you...) into a round of the Pekes and the Pollicles! We were trading lines back and forth like this: "Me: the pekes and the pollicles everyone knows, Hannah: Are proud and implaccable passionate foes!" and that went on till the final end of the song. We had gotten so wrapped up in it, that we forgot all about Emmalyn (who has never seen cats), who was stanting there, staring at us like we were out of our minds. Now I think That is pretty embarrasing.

Got something similar? Not quite as bad? WORSE? Send it in and I'll post it!

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