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This is the place where you can show off your stories about the Jellicles, and can read other's works. So far I only have one of my stories up here, but PLEASE send yours! They get read quite often and I love to show off my reader's talents! Since I only have one story up here, I'll keep it on this page. Enjoy!


Jemima's Journey

Chapter 1

She lay in a cardboard box by herself, and shivered. Her dreams were haunted by memories of past lives, She had not lived an easy life. Everyone treated her so kindly here, it was like heaven. But suddenly they were leaving---and it began to grow cold... She awoke with a start, only to find her tail nearly frozen. She walked out of her box to see if anyone else was about, when a voice startled her. ÒAre you cold dear?Ó It was Jennyanydots. She had come out for a midnight walk. ÒIÕm sure my family wouldnÕt mind having a stray for a while- Oh! ItÕs you, Jemima!Ó She looked a bit embarrassed. ÒIÕm alright, Jenny.Ó Jemima replyed, teeth chattering. She looked up at the Jellicle moon, and a cloud slowly moved across it. It got darker, and the cold wind picked up. ÒOh, nonesense! YouÕre coming with me.Ó Jemima couldnÕt help but give in. As they walked down the street twordÕs JennyÕs ownerÕs house, She noticed that none of the other Jellicles were about, all their boxes empty, pipes uninhabited. She wondered why for a moment, then a fierce wind jolted her and she walked a but quicker. Snow was begninning to fall, which was strange because it was only September. As they neared the house, Jenny spoke. ÒWeÕll go in the basement, we musnÕt awake my owners.Ó Jemima nodded, she was too cold to speak. They finally reached the door, and the went through the cat door. they walked quickly but carefully, as to make not much noise. They reached the stairs going down to the basement and there was a door at the bottom which opened easily with a small creak. It was completely dark in the room, untill she walked to the center of the room and her eyes began to adjust. She saw a pair of eyes, then two, then three....ÓJenny? Who are all these strangers?Ó Jenny switched on the light. Then she realized that these eyes belonged to all the other Jellicles. Rumpleteazer approached her. ÔIs you cold too? Me anÕ Mungojerrie was just abouÕ ta freeze!Ó Jemima smiled, She liked RumpleteazerÕs cockney accent. It made her feel safe, yet she didnÕt know why. She looked around the room to see who else was there, and saw the whole tribe. ÒI guess everyone was cold.Ó She remarked, to which Jenny answered, ÒChilled to the bone, every one of them! Now dear, unless youÕre not exausted enough, You had better get to sleep.Ó Jemima agreed, and made her way over by Victoria, who was already asleep. She lied down, resting her head on Vic, and started to think...ÓWhy is it so cold? ItÕs not even time for the Jellicle Ball....Is there something wrong?Ó Her thoughts slowly drifted away and her eyes started to close. She tried to resist falling asleep, there was too much to think about, but her eyes finally closed and she drifted into her past once again.

Chapter Two

The Secret

Jemima awoke to laughter. She looked next to her, and Victoria was gone, all the cats were gathered around Alonzo, who was telling a story. "And then, the rat just sat there!" The Jellicles all laughed, and Etcetera thought it was so funny she looked as though she was having a heart attack. Jemima wandered over towards her. "Etcetera, what's so funny?" Etcetera was still bursting with the giggles...."Oh nothing, heehee! Alonzo was just *HAHAHA* telling us a story." Etcetera turned suddenly serious, then erupted into a fit of laughter as she walked over to Rum Tum Tugger. Jemima chuckled to herself, "That Etcetera, she's always being crazy." Victoria walked over to her. "Good morning! You've been asleep for hours." Jemima smiled. "I know, I feel lots better now." "Oh good! You are coming to my birthday party tomorrow, right? The weather's brightening up now and I think it's still on." Jemima nodded. She had been awaiting this party for weeks, and she couldn't wait. Her thoughts shifted. "Do you know where Jenny ran off to?" Victoria thought for a moment, looked around, and turned back to Jemima. "She's over there with Skimbleshanks." Jemima nodded before replying, "Thanks!" She scampered over to Jenny and Skimbleshanks, who looked very serious. "Jenny, I was wondering if-" Skimble put a hand over her mouth. "Can it wait? We have just received important news from Old Deuteronomy, and we are deciding what to do." "Do about what?" Jemima looked puzzled. "Not now dear, what's most important is that we all stay here." Jemima wandered off, looking for someone to ask what was going on, someone that wouldn't shush her. She climbed up onto the furnace, and looked out the small window that led outdoors. She was expecting a cold, dismal scene like the one she had witnessed the night before, but was surprised to see that the weather looked warm and sunny, quite a contrast to a few hours ago. She noticed that everything going on below her had stopped, and there was silence. Turning sround, she saw that everyone was looking at the window she was in front of. "Lovely weather, isn't it?" As soon as the words came out of her mouth, whispers spread around the room. She climbed down off of the furnace, and sat by Pouncival. She looked at the window to see what everyone was looking at, then turned around to see that everyone was looking, not at the window, but at her! After a moment of thought as to why they were all acting so strange, She spoke. "What's the matter? Have I done something wrong?" Jennyanydots approached her slowly and said quietly in her ear, "I think you had better come with me." Then she said, speaking to the other cats, "Go along with your regular business. We will have this straightened out in no time, I sure of it. Come with me now, Jemima." Jemima was confused. "Straighted WHAT out?"

Chapter Three

Trick Or Treat?

Jennyanydots led Jemima and Skimbleshanks into a broom closet in the far corner of the room. There stood Old Deuteronomy, along with a couple of cats whom she had not seen before, one was a queen and the other a strong tom. "Sit down, my dear." Deuteronomy instructed. Jemima did so. The queen spoke to Jemima with a soft voice, "Jemima, we have just received some interesting news from the country, and we don't know what to do about it." The tom started to speak. "There are signs all over Yorkshire that say 'Lost Cat', much like the ones all over here in New York. The name of the cat is Sillabub, and we all know that's not your name. At least not a name that we've heard of." As soon as the name slipped out of the tom's mouth, Jemima knew she had heard that name before. She tried to think of someone she knew named Sillabub, but none came to mind, so she decided to forget about it and simply dismissed is as being her imagination. "But that's not what's worrying us," The queen picked up where the tom left off. "It's the picture on the sign. It appears to should I say this-" Old Deuteronomy put a hand to her mouth. "Show the kitten the picture." The queen nodded and took a peice of paper from a stack of things behind her, and reached out towards Jemima. She took the paper, slowly turned it around, and gasped. The picture was of her! How could this be? She had never had an owner, she had always been told that she was found in her box with her dead mother when she was only a few weeks old. Thoughts flew through her head like a tornado. Is is really me? Is it someone that looks like me? Could I have a twin that I don't know about? What if I really did have an owner? She looked at Jenny with a look of bewilderment. Before she could say anything, Skimble spoke up. "There's a chance it could be a trick, Macavity's gang is notorious for this sort of work, but if it is Macavity, the question would be why he'd do this to you out of the thousands of cats in the city. On the other hand, it could be real. You could have had an owner that we didn't know about or you could have forgotten, and he just hadn't gotten around to making a poster untill a few years after he lost you. The possibilities are endless, so untill we have things set for sure, you are to be under constant watch by Old Deuteronomy's officials." Jemima sat, shivering. It wasn't cold, but she was frightened.