Jobless after the quizzes ? …here's a short list of things to do

Watch a Mithun movie (this a bong special effect for KT) : You've gotta admire the guts of the guy to remain in the industry despite scoring a century of flops.

Play connect the dots with the pimples on your dirty face.

Dip your feet in a puddle in Tarams and pray for Leptospirosis.

Send letters with talcum powder in it to that bitch who dumped you.

Learn to play footer even though India is ranked 121st in the world…out of 125 countries.

Write such articles that make people give you gaalis by the ton.

Read such fillers and give gaalis.


Wet dreams @ IIT

Its raining hajjaar and I had a few dreams last night

Silk Route performed Dooba Dooba at OAT…underwater ! The passes were made of plastic and we needed oxygen cylinders to enter.

The computer rooms in our hostels had materialized and we were attending online lectures as it was imposs to cycle to classes.

A fishing competition was held at Sangam and Alak won (we had invested a lot in Fevikwick)


Weird but True
---Some news items from around the world.

1. Kevin E Tibbs , 21, arrested in Brunswick, Md. in February. According to the officer, Tibbs attempted to steal a parking meter and was trying to conceal it in his pants when he was stopped.

2. Motorcyclist, David Gripon was injured in a collision near Escomolito, Calif, in July when he lost control of the bike on interstate 15, as Gripon came alongside a car with bare feet sticking out of the passenger window, he reached out to tickle them and ran into the car in front him.

3. Scott D, carpenter ,27 filled a lawsuit in September against the management company of Three rivers and its chief concessionaire because they allowed him buy too many beers during a 1989 Steelers game and then failed to warn him about the danger of riding on escalator handrails due to which he was injured in a drunken fall.

4. Edward L Menessey retired after 12 years as chief executive of the Allied-Signal Conglomerate. Menessey was so poorly respected that his departure caused the value of Allied-signal stock to rise. In fact, the value of Menessey's own stock in Allied-Signal grew by $7 million…..because the investors believed that the company was better without him.

5. Donna Clark, 26, and Paul Kramer,31, faced various charges in Merchantville, NJ, when Clark allegedly grabbed $216 worth of film and walked out a drugstore. The couple's name and address were given by their 6 year old son who was in the store ate the time but he was forgotten by the couple in their haste to make a getaway.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Golu #366 B



1-tender chicken
1-chilli flakes
cream to taste

Take tender chicken in your hands. Holds the breasts carefully and massage gently until hard. Mince the flakes until powder. Spread legs, put banana in, till cherry pops, nuts crack and banana creams. Let cool…if cake rises get the hell out of town!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wall (#374B)


"If your opponent has only two possible options, you can be sure that he will take the third."

"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched…but are felt in the heart."
-Helen Keller.

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced with something even more bizarre and inexplicable………
There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
---Douglas Adams,

"College life is the interval between submission to your mother and subjection to your wife."

"Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?!!"

"I will live forever or die trying to"

"Any new venture goes through the following stages - Enthusiasm, Complication, Disillusionment, Search for the Guilty, Punishment of the Innocent, Decoration of those who did nothing."


Amitabh has a temple to his name
But it won't last - what a shame !
His role in Aks will cause an uproar …
Another Babri masjid in store ???