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Warped Tour 03
"A Bottle of Water, a Camera and a Thrice Shirt" an interview with Mike of the All American Rejects

Warped Tour

Milwaukee, WI

August 4, 2003


It’s late afternoon at the Warped Tour and before their big set Mike of the All American Rejects takes time to sit down with Desiree and Krista to talk about some pressing issues.

Mike:Hi, my name is Mike Kennerty and I play guitar for the All American Rejects.

Desiree: Hello. So Stillwater Oklahoma…

Mike: Yes

Desiree: So who do you root for when it comes time for bedlam, or are you a Texas fan?

Mike: Um, you know I’m actually neither. I never cared about football, I don’t get it. It’s so slow and boring.

Desiree: I know I went to UCO …


Desiree: Yeah for two years and I didn’t get the whole bedlam thing either

Mike: I also went to UCO for two years.

Desiree: NO WAY!

Mike: No way, that’s amazing, what a small world.

Desiree: Yeah, weird.

Mike: I used to live around Stratford Square

Desiree: I had a friend that lived there. I also had a friend that lived in the ghetto apartments down the street

Mike: Yeah those where HORRIBLE!

Desiree: Little Ceasers would not deliver there.

Mike: Yeah yeah. No place would because, this is the best story. I had a friend that worked at Papa Johns on 2nd and he was saying guys would like hang out and wait for pizza guys to come and then they’d mug them (the pizza guys), and then they would take the pizza and deliver it and then when people would answer the door they would mug them too. Amazing! I love Edmond.

Desiree: I know everyone thinks it’s all uppity but oh no there’s a lot of ghetto.

Mike: oh no it’s got some ghetto parts. So what brings you here?

Desiree:um, I live here I just went to UCO to go to school for photography.

Mike: Ah! Is that a good school for photography?

Desiree: It’s all right. It’s one of the only schools that has photography in the journalism department and not art.

Mike: ahhh that’s nice. I dropped out, our merch guy graduated from there though. He’s got his diploma in his bathroom.

Krista: In his bathroom!

Desiree: I’ll have to go chat with him about UCO

Mike: There ya go

Desiree: What did you go there for?

Mike: uh I was gonna do communications broadcasting, which is what he got his degree in. But then after I finished my basics I was like I don’t want to do this anymore. And I couldn’t decide on a new major so I just quit. ::Sarcastically:: Which is the good thing to do kids, is drop out of school.

Desiree: So you guys all still live in Oklahoma?

Mike: yeah

Desiree: Do you guys plan to live there awhile or…

Mike: yeah I know Chris and I definitely are. I think Tyson is thinking about moving to Florida

Desiree: Oh man

Mike: yeah he likes the beach. But I don’t know what Nick is gonna do.

Desiree: Well he could just live on lake Arcadia for his beach.

Mike: Ha, that’s true.

Desiree: So Tyson and Nick pretty much started the band?

Mike: yeah

Desiree: so how did you and Chris join?

Mike: uh well, we played shows, me and Chris’s old band, played shows with the Rejects and just when they needed some people in the band they asked us and we were like “awesome”.

Desiree: Awesome, are you glad you guys joined?

Mike: oh yeah! I’d be working at Guitar Center…

Desiree: ha, oh yes I know where that is, we used to go there all the time.

Mike: ha, well that’s where I’d be right now if I wasn’t doing this.

Desiree: So you’re out of the Oklahoma bubble

Mike: Yes

Desiree: ha, do you feel very proud about that? I mean you guys are like the 5th successful band to come out of Oklahoma.

Mike:Are you counting Color Me Badd?

Desiree: Oh man I forgot about them! So 6th, I was counting like Hanson, Garth Brooks…


Desiree: Flaming lips, um and there were two more…

Mike: and Color Me Badd, you can’t forget color me bad. You know they add the second D in badd to be more street!

Desiree and Krista: ooo

Mike: Pop up video!

Krista: that’s a great show

Mike: hahha, oh wait what was the question?

Desiree: ha how do you feel about breaking the Oklahoma bubble.

Mike: oh oh it’s awesome. I mean all I’ve ever wanted to do is tour. Like I’ve always said, if I could just tour and support myself and stuff like that. Which means like you know not die and have enough to eat, I would be happy. We’re definitely doing more then that. I’m full everyday and I have somewhere to sleep everyday so it’s awesome I’m totally excited.

Desiree: Now that you guys are apart of Dream Works do you think things will change when you record your next album?

Mike: um, no. I mean the Dream Works people are super cool. Like their… I don’t know. I mean they definitely don’t push for any like... they give us the freedom artistically we need or whatever. So... So that won’t definitely hinder anything.

Desiree: When do you think you guys will be working on your new album?

Mike: uh prolly if not the beginning of next year then prolly summer. Yeah. It’s a toss up. It depends on how the next single does and blah blah and industry and crap.

Desiree: So what are you guys doing after Warped Tour are you doing another tour?

Mike: yeah we go to Europe for awhile and then we come back and do another tour in the states and then we go back to Europe and then we do Japan and Australia and then home. And then it’s Christmas time so.

Krista: Where are you most excited to go?

Mike: Um, I hear Japan is awesome. I’m stoked about that even though it’s a really really haleacious flight. I’m stoked to go there. I heard that they had vending machines, okay this is fucked up, vending machines where you can buy like used panties. And multiple people who don’t know eachother told me this. That is fucked up!

Desiree: Wow

Krista: ha, that is interesting.

Mike: I guess they have vending machines for everything. But that’s just bizarre to me. But I’m curious to see it, it will be interesting.

Desiree: ha it would be an experience

Mike: Now are they really used or is it like fake used, like jeans are now, that’s what I’m wondering.

Krista: Why would anyone want something like that?

Mike: ha, it’s a whole different culture over there

Desiree: I also heard that they have in the back of some stores store owners will sell porn stars’ underwear.

Mike: Really? That’s interesting

Desiree: yeah

Mike: I’ll have to keep that in mind

Krista: ::sarcastically:: oh yeah me too.

Desiree: So have you guys just toured the states so far or have you gone elsewhere?

Mike: we’ve done, we’ve toured the UK a few times and Canada but that’s about it.

Krista: CANADA YES! I’m from Canada.

Mike: Nice, which part?

Krista: Just outside of Toronto.

Mike: Nice nice, we were just there two days ago.

Krista: really

Mike: yeah yeah

Krista: what were we doing, we were coming here two days ago.

Desiree: Ha that’s right we were up in Toronto last week and saw Mick Jagger. Did you guys go to Sars fest at all?

Krista: yes because we have sars

Mike: I’ve heard I’ve heard. But no we didn’t go. But there was some festival going on in Montreal when we were there. Wait there’s some big thing going on right now, the long weekend? What is that about? Carabaaa..naaa or something like that?

Krista: Carabana, yeah that’s in Toronto and Montreal. It’s this big African American festival that we have every year, the crime rates skyrocket

Mike: Nice nice

Krista: It’s kinda sad because we don’t want to associate that with it but it’s fun it’s like a big sorta… it’s kinda like Mardi Gras. There’s a big parade and costumes and they dance…

Mike: awesome

Krista: Yeah it’s pretty cool. You should check it out sometime if you’re in the area.

Mike: Well we walked by it but we had to go because bus call was early.

Desiree: So we’ve heard that you guys posed for Bop and Tiger Beat recently?

Mike: NO, no no no no no no see Bop and Tiger Beat and J14 and the like, they have the right to just take your pictures from where ever they get it and just print it without telling you.

Deisree: Ahhhh Jerks!

Mike: Exactly!

Krista: I didn’t think all of those were even around anymore. That was so back in the day for me.

Mike: so yeah it’s pretty horrific when I have people calling me and being like yeah you’re in J14. Which I had never even heard of J14 but the name just frightens me and they use these horrible pictures that they got off the wire somewhere and it’s just yeah.

Krista: and then the little girls put the pictures on their walls

Desiree: yeah what do you think about that, they’re on little girl walls?

Krista: Kissing you goodnight every night

Desiree: yeah, FAINT!

Mike: um,... well... little girls don’t burn records they buy em and I think that’s cool. So you know... little girls their fans. Anyone who’s a fan is cool.

Krista: Well speaking of fans how do you feel about them using file share and stuff.

Mike: I don’t know I’ve always been a guy that’s bought records and like I want the packaging as much as I want the music.

Krista: Exactly

Mike: and so I don’t get it. I mean I guess, well I always have really shity internet service so I cant download.

Desiree: yeah Oklahoma doesn’t have good service at all

Mike: no, well if you get the cable it’s okay but dial up

Desiree: Oh I know it crashes all the time. But even the cable net isn’t as fast there as it is other places.

Mike: yeah. Like it makes me sick when I look through someone’s cd book and all they have is burned cds I think it’s just fucked up.

Krista: yeah I think it’s cool when you mix it from your own cds or if there’s just one song that you like and you really don’t want any of the other songs and so you wouldn’t buy the album anyway

Mike: yeah totally

Krista: but if you would have bought the album if there wasn’t the internet then...just buy it because you have the pictures and the lyrics and its just so much cooler.

Mike: Exactly

Desiree: What kind of albums do you like to buy, like who are some of your favorite artists? < p>Krista: or what have you bought recently?

Mike: um, the best record I have bought recently is the new Alkaline Trio, that is the best record of the year, I think, it just blows me away. And uh I don’t know I’ve always been a punk rock kid. So like I’ve spent almost like, since we’ve been out, this latest stint since we just got back from Europe too. I’ve prolly spent about 200 bucks just on records. Like I have this big pile of 7 inches and LP’s on the bus, which sucks because we don’t have a record player on the bus so I have to wait till we get home. But I don’t know. I just collect them as we go and then when I get home I just have a big listening party or whatever.

Desiree: Awesome. Okay we have a little quote from the associated press

Mike: Okay

Desiree: about the band... they say you’re a “hook-filled pop-rock on steroids with heavenly harmonies…” how do you feel about that? Like is that how you would describe the band? Or how would you describe yourself?

Mike: um, I don’t know if I would use the word heavenly to describe myself but

Krista: oh come on

Mike: but I mean I don’t mind that because it doesn’t call us emo or pop punk, which is good. Because I don’t think we’re either. Being a fan of both those genre’s I don’t think we’re either either. So I think it’s cool, I like that quote, I’ve heard that before.

Krista: Are you one of those people who puts music in categories or are you just like ah its music.

Mike: um, yeah I categorize stuff that’s why I don’t think we fit you know, I don’t know, it’s cool.

Desiree: Are you guys having fun at warped tour? Do you think you guys fit in here with all the other bands?

Mike: um, yeah like I’ve met a lot of people that I would have never thought I’d meet in my life and their cool people and so yeah it’s amazing.

Desiree: what’s the craziest thing that has happened so far on this tour?

Mike: ummmm, it’s been pretty tame actually

Krista: ha that’s funny, I just had a guy thrown on my head while I was taking pictures.

Mike: well yeah the crowd has been pretty crazy but I mean backstage stuff it’s not, well I mean there’s a little bit.

Krista: have you had any die-hard fans break into your bus naked or anything?

Mike: no no

Krista: no, non of that yet? Well maybe someday.

Desiree: Your time will come

Mike: we can only hope.. I.. suppose

Krista: I don’t know if it’s something you would want to hope for but it would be a crazy thing. Have you seen any crazy costumes at all like a moose suit or anything?

Mike: not really, one time we played in…what town was it? Somewhere in Florida we were sitting out, Jacksonville maybe I don’t know, a guy dressed up like a cow and then we were on tour with Motion City at the time and we were doing a thing that every night like one of their songs Tyson would go out and do something funny and sing a song and one of ours their singer Justin would come out and do a song. And uh, he took the cow suit and put it on. OH yesterday, okay there were these two weird girls, I mean nice girls, good girls, wearing “I LOVE TYSON” shirts. They were like bright green and super tight and v-neck cut, kinda weird,

Krista: homemade?

Mike: yes yes, but he got one from them and wore it and came out on stage and it was saying “I LOVE TYSON” and it was amazing. So that’s a good story, I forgot about that one.

Krista: Very nice story

Desiree: Yes, I enjoyed it. Okay “in a perfect world the All American Rejects would…” finish that sentence.

Mike: ooo um,

Krista: with anything, anything that you desire

Mike: hmm, All American Rejects would…that’s tough, I have to think about that. I mean I don’t know cause we definitely got more success then we ever thought we would and like I’m happy and I’m doing good. Like there’s not much, like in a perfect world I guess we would last, hopefully have another record that people like. That would be nice.

Krista: That’s good, is there anything else that you really want?

Mike: Like um, I don’t know.

Krista: Spiritually, materialistically, anything?

Mike: I’m currently bidding on ebay on this Queers record called “Shot the Queers” it’s the limited limited version. It came with an extra 7 inch and I hope I win that.

Krista: that would be good in a perfect world.

Mike: There you go. In a perfect world that would make me extremely happy. And I have four days to find out if it’s a perfect world.

Desiree: Well we’ll hope for you. Are you the top bidder right now?

Mike: I am, I put in an ungodly amount because it’s like the rarest Queers record so.

Krista: Do you have someone keep checking in on it for you while you’re on tour?

Mike: NO I put in such an ungodly amount that I feel pretty confident

Desiree: Well good luck with that

Mike: Thank you thank you

Krista: Such an ungodly amount that you’ll starve?

Mike: no no

Krista: Good because if your gonna give up one goal for another that would be a little tough.

Mike: No no no yeah. It’s not, it’s an ungodly amount for what it actually is. You know for anyone else they’ll be “you paid what” but I’m a record dork and so.

Desiree: Speaking of records how has yours been? Like are you guys happy with what the sells were?

Mike: Yeah I mean it’s done infinitely more then we ever thought it would do and that’s just awesome and so every week it’s been pretty consistent, it just blows my mind. It’s cool.

Krista: Do you think you’ll be able to top it with the new one?

Mike: uh I hope, you know it’s just a hard thing… I mean I’m confident that we’ll do okay on it any level, maybe not major like what we’ve done now but I think we’ll always be able to play shows and sell enough records to get gas to go to the next show. And that’s cool, we may not be able to create the success that we have with this album but that’s okay. You know, whatever.

Krista: Are there any other aspects of the industry your interested in? Like writing or producing another band?

Mike: um, I don’t know. I like playing and that’s the only thing I think I’m good enough to do. But you know ….

Krista: So if the band broke up you would try and go play with someone else?

Mike: I would try to you know because I’d like to keep playing. But you know if not I’m sure I could occupy myself with something. Along the lines, you know.

Krista: Okay I have a special question now. Okay pick three inanimate objects.

Mike: Just randomly?

Krista: yep, just randomly

Mike: Do I tell them to you?

Krista: yep

Mike: okay, a bottle of water, a camera and a Thrice shirt.

Krista: Okay, now make up a chorus to a song about those three things.

Mike: ohhhh like melody and stuff too?

Desiree: Naw just the lyrics

Mike: umm,

Krista: or like a poem

Mike: Okay well I gotta make it rhyme.

Krista: no you don’t have to make it rhyme.

Mike: um, uhh I don’t know…

Krista: okay just one line, that’s all

Mike: one line okay umm, looking at a bottle of water, a camera and a Thrice shirt while doing an interview.

Krista: right on

Desiree: ha there ya go.

Mike: Did that work? Is that okay?

Krista: Ha that’s good

Desiree: Okay one last thing. We have this book (Zobmondo), that you pick any page and we read it to you.

Krista: Well if you want to do more you’re more then welcome but

Mike: Okay

Desiree: Okay but don’t look at it

::Mike opens book to a page::

Desiree: Okay left or right?

Mike: uh left

Desiree: Okay, would you rather as a young man on a sinking ship when there is one space left on the last lifeboat, give it to a man in his late 70’s or take it yourself?

Mike: ooo, late 70’s? See he’s dead already, but I would feel so horrible that I couldn’t do it. You know what I would do? I would hold him in my lap because he’s prolly small being that old. You know something like that. And I’ll leave it at that!

Desiree: ha good answer. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Mike: Uh no, I think that’s it.

Desiree: Well thanks

Mike: No problem, ROCK

Desiree and Krista: Rock on

Dont forget to check out pictures of AAR's performance at Warped Tour - PICTURES

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