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The Roll of Honour

The Roll of Honour contains the names of over 28,000 Americans who gave their lives in aiding the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland during World War II. Another copy of the book is available, by request, for visitors to be shown names, which are listed alphabetically followed by rank and service.

The Roll of Honour Book

The Roll of Hnour sits on a marble pedestal which was unveiled when the American Memorial Chapel was dedicated in November 1958. The high altar was conswecrated six months before the American Memorial Chapel in 1958, commemorating the 335,451 men and women of the Commonwealth overseas who died in the two world wars.

Pages from the Roll of Honour: The Tree of Life surrounded by oak leaves, with the Spirit of the Dead ascending and carrying in his hands a palmof victory. Below is a mighty army marching from Washingotn to London, and the Coasts of Arms of the United States, Great Britain and Canada depicted.

The Roll is a page of which is turned every day and kept in a place of honour in a case on an inscribed plinth in the Chapel.

The Altar

The Altar cloth of crimson velvet is embroidered with a dove set in a large golden sun which symbolizes "peace after war."

Above the altar is a carved and gilded eagle. This is siimilar to the American emblem and intended as a symbol of sorrowing strength, the strength of those who died, those who suffered and survived, the divine strength by which we live.

The cross and candlesticks are of silver and heavily plated with gold. Everything was hammered by hand except for the bases. The cross is 4 feet 2 inches high and weighs nearly 525 ounces. The golden citrines set in the cross weight 915 carats..

Front Cover of the Roll of Honour

The front cover of the Roll of Honour. The central figure is Winged Victory holding before her the two-handed Crusader Sword.
