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Carole Lombard
Sold War Bonds

Lombard crisscrossed the nation selling war bonds, raising millions of dollars for the war effort. It was during one such drive that the beautiful screwball comedian Carole Lombard, wife of Clark Gable, died in a plane crash. Lombard, who had just raised $2.5 million for the cause, had also starred in an anti-Nazi film, the hilarious To Be or Not to Be, with Jack Benny. When she died, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt eulogized her, saying, "She gave unselfishly of time and talent to serve her government in peace and war."

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Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller Orchestra

Two of the most popular musicians of the World War II era--big band leaders Glenn Miller and Artie Shaw--joined the service and led bands, while many other artists recorded V-Discs, recordings made especially for the troops. So in demand were they that Miller's band played 800 performances in a single year. He died in 1944, when his plane went down over the English Channel. No trace of the plane or Miller was ever found.

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Betty Grable
Pinup Girl

To console homesick GIs Betty Grable was easily the most popular pinup girl of WWII. Her rearview swimsuit shot, in which she smiled invitingly over her shoulder for the benefit of the fighting men, was tacked up on barracks walls in war zones all over the world.

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Charlton Heston
Army Air Corps Sergeant in Kodiak.
NRA President,



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