Charlies' Faeries

Good Abilities

Fiery Gaze - It used to freeze your opponent for one round 100 percent. Now, only 30 percent chance, else it does a fire icon. Still very useful for freezing now that only one freezing item can be equipped on a pet.

Diamond Dust - A hidden ability for pets of level 27 and above. Works like Fiery Gaze.

Burrow - A defence ability that can cut damage considerably, usually up to 0HP damage.

Sink - A hidden ability for pets of level 27 and above. Works like Burrow, but slightly weaker.

Restore - Called glow yellow when used in the Battledome, it can heal your pet back 30HP.

Table of Abilities
1 Magic Torch   Magic Pebbles Spark Smoke Screen Heal
2   Night Vision        
3     Tough Skin   Firey Roar Bubble Shield
4 Flash Nighttime        
5       Air Shield    
6     Magic Berries   Firey Gaze Water Jet
7 Bless Temporal Leak        
8       Haste Fireball  
9         Quench  
10 Sun Ray Shroud Burrow Thunder Tail    
12   Demon Breath Negg Flight War Cry Steam Shield
13 Psychic Blast          
15     Alchemy   Lava Spit  
16           Water Breathing
17 Mote Dance Shadow Health   Dive    
19     Great Feast   Song of the Volcano  
20           Water of Life
21-26 Restore Drain Life Regeneration Invisibility Boil Healing Vapor
27-32 Ascension Sink Stone Legion Diamond Dust Meteor Shower Watery Guardian



Hidden Abilities

Sink works like Burrow in that it cuts down on a lot of potential damage suffered, sometimes allowing you to escape with 0HP damage.

Diamond Dust might freezes your opponent for one round.

Stone Legion is an attack ability. Not very good.

Ascension. Defence ability. Not very good.

Watery Guardian. No Information.

Meteor Shower. Attack ability. Not very good.

Healing Vapor. A lower hidden ability, it only requires a pet of level 21.

Berserk (a relatively unknown ability) allows you to cause much much more damage than usual. It's a very strong form of attack. It's apparently not a Faerie Blessed ability, but an ability that comes to your pet after reaching a certain level, most likely level 50.